Tarot Storage


It's interesting to see people's response here.

When I was living in the South (US) I wanted to keep them locked up and out of side. I used a large "treasure chest" to house my decks.

Now that I live in the North, I don't care who sees them (since I know they won't burn me at the stake for having them!). I leave them lying around on shelves and tables. It was interesting that my friends came to my new apartment for the first time and they each independent of the other picked up a Tarot deck and asked for a reading!

I am still somewhat new to Tarot and know that not too long ago, I had some sort of an aversion to Tarot decks (guilty) despite my fascination with them due to preconceived concepts and rumours from the masses that I must say are wholly untrue, now that I am better educated in the teachings of the Tarot. So, I understand that some people might not be comfortable *points to my family* with my new hobby, hence the need for a private space where I can store my decks without 'judgy eyes' (lifted from Glass Owl :)) on me.

I don't want them locked, but definitely out of sight from others...


I keep mine in a cotton pouch and usually in my pillow. I like to sleep with them, weird dreams but I see it as a way for me to connect with them.


I keep mine in a cotton pouch and usually in my pillow. I like to sleep with them, weird dreams but I see it as a way for me to connect with them.

I think that might present a small problem for some of us.... :eek:


I do all kinds of weird deck storage....I have a few hundred decks and my living room is where they all live. The books live seperatly on bookshelves, but the decks are everywhere. Most of them are in a chest of drawers, and 2 cupboards, and a set of milk crate shelves, and a small trunk and a thing with metal drawers, and one of those twirly card display things you see in stores, and a coupla small wood shelves. Currently with no particular order to them...finding a deck I haven't used for a while is like a scavenger hunt.I hope to eventually get them organized again...they where, 2 moves ago. And it's a small living room.
I covet those map cabinets you see in libraries and architects offices. I also covet a sense of order. :D


I own over 2000 decks. I think to have them under my pillow might be grounds for divorce, if nothing else...

I want to see photos!
I got like 150 and think that is too much.
Right now I got an old 50:ies bookshelf with glass doors but they won't actually fit into it so I also got a box with TdMs and one box with minis. etc.

If money were not an issue I would tailor make something.
Right now I also really need bags cause I got a lot of decks that came in flimsy boxes.



All full of decks.

But that chest of drawers facing, us next to the tallboy has to go, as the drawer fronts aren't strong enough. I am on the way to IKEA today. And I also "need" a floating one in the middle to the room - those pix were taken several years ago now, and I am out of space again ! Where those photo albums are is now full of shelf-box decks, too.


I own over 2000 decks. I think to have them under my pillow might be grounds for divorce, if nothing else...

One could make a bed out of them...

A friend of mine, when she lived with her mom, had most of her paperbacks in boxes laid out in a rectangle on the floor with a folding mattress on top. When she wanted something out of one of the boxes, she slid the mattress off, and replaced it later. The same thing could be done with boxes of decks.