wiccked stepmother tarot project


I love the Child of Spring, he is so serious and focused on what he is doing :)

We have white ducks like the Explorer of Summer too, it looks a bit like the wet parts of my country.

Hope you will find the time and energy to do more cards, rabble. I am glad you have not abandoned your project.


Wow. I love what you're doing with this deck! I hope you'll consider publishing the entire thing when you finish it. :)


thanks, WolfSpirit, and GryffinSong. :)

I hope it gets published too, but I just don't want to have to do it all by hand!


Hi rabble!! It is lovely to see you back and see your new cards. I think that nature expresses the very sorts of ideas that we think of a sole property of humans. It is why your deck is so resonate for me.

All the best,


SO great to see you back with these!
Thanks for talking me out of my desk for a walk in nature :)