Envy: a fill-in-the-blank spread


Envy Spread

by Chiriku

Note: the spread begins at the bottom of the space and moves upward to represent the ascension from the lower self/hungry ego towards greater self-awareness and peace of mind.





1- I look at them and feel a prick of resentment because ___________.
This is the deep-down reason behind that prick; it's one you may not realize or acknowledge.

2- I tell myself, "I resent them because ________. "
This is your own conscious explanation for the prick; it's the story you tell yourself that may not match up with reality. It's what you want to believe.

3-I (accurately) believe that they have ________, which I want.
This is the characteristic/trait, life circumstance, or object you see when you look at them--and they do indeed have it.

4- I (mistakenly) believe that they have __________, which I want
This is the characteristic/trait, life circumstance, or object you see when you look at them---but they don't really have it, not in the form you believe they do. Your vision is skewed by your own desire to posses those traits or things.

5- I don't realize that they suffer ___________ because of the thing they have that I do not.
This is the problem they suffer because they have the characteristic/trait, life circumstance or object in position #3.

6-I don't realize that if I had what they do, I would miss out on ______________
This is the aspect of your life or personality or potential opportunities that flourishes in the absence of that thing you long for.

7-I don't realize that I have __________, which is valuable on its own merits.
This is the enviable characteristic/trait, life circumstance or object YOU already have.

8-I can (do) ____________ to tap into a constructive energy that keeps me from feeling envy.
This is a proactive action you can take, path you can choose, or choice you can make that will lead toward a self-fulfillment that leaves no room for envy.
