A foolish thing?


My suspicion is that the windmill doodad is some kind of farm implement whose function would have been obvious to sixteenth century people, but which we are no longer familiar.

The agitator paddle from an old barrel stomper churn, maybe? That's about the only such implement I can imagine that might be like a propeller


Macavity said:
If I hadn't been brought up in England, heck I'd have settled for New Jersey - I'll wear my "Cape May" souvenir Tee-shirt with renewed pride :D
Just a stone's throw from Cape May... cool beans!!


Cool Pics

I really enjoyed reading the discussions and viewing the pics. Thank you everyone for the great links and a look at the humerous side of tarot! Blessings and joy to all, wolfen


Baccus is the guy in the pink leaping out of the cart. Ohh, I've always loved those cheetahs.

I never could figure out what the kid (too young to be Pan) is doing dragging that deer head around in the front.