Struggling to connect with the Aces


I find the Aces difficult to connect with and interpret. From everything I've been able to gather, they mostly seem like a generic placeholder for the rest of the suit. Whenever I see them, they feel so abstract and impersonal compared to the rest of the deck that I'm not sure how to approach them.

For one example, I was trying out a deck interview spread, and I got "3 of Cups" as a strength and "Ace of Cups" as a weakness. I found this really confusing, because it seems like the 3, along with the rest of the suit, are almost incorporated within the Ace, so isn't it contradictory for it to have the strength of the 3 of Cups if it's weak in the suit of Cups in general? I eventually went with, "Maybe it's telling me it wants to be used with other people, but isn't good at locating my deep-down emotions?" but it felt less genuine than the rest of the reading, if that makes sense. That is just the most recent instance, but I usually feel similarly whenever these cards show up.

How have you been able to connect with the aces, on a level deeper than "vague representation of these concepts"? I hope to get better at integrating them into a reading.

Butterfly Moon

This is how I deal with Aces

I usually interpret the Aces as new things or beginnings of the things that their suits are associated with. The Ace of Pentacles can represent a gift, some new money, or a new job for example because one of the things that Pentacles are associated with is money. Cups are associated with love so the Ace of Cups sometimes represents a new love. The Ace of Swords may represent a sharp new revelation of truth. The Ace of Wands may represent the beginning of a new creative endeavor, perhaps even the creation of a new life. These are just a few examples.

This is sort of my rule of thumb when it comes to Aces and it made things much easier for me. First I think, "What does this suit represent?" Then I know that it is one of these things in a new or beginning form. The question and position of the card will give you more information and help you to be more specific. I hope this was helpful to you and that you are able to bond more comfortably with your Aces!


Way back before I read intuitively, I thought of the Aces as Messengers. As in, representing a message or communication of some sort related to whatever suit it is.

But nowadays, I just looks at the art and elements in the picture and see what hits me. That works well for me if the cards have very rich imagery, but even if they are sparse, there will always be something that stands out to you. Cards have so many little details, even the Aces. Have you tried just seeing what stands out for you in each picture and doing it more from intuition rather than book meanings?

Which deck were you "interviewing?"


I was "interviewing" the Radiant Rider-Waite - just since it is one of the only two I have, and the only one I have really used (that's why I said I was trying out the interview, it's not really a new deck). I suppose this might be part of the problem too, especially re: intuitive reading, since I have started to feel like this deck is a bit sterile and simplified. I still really like the Rider-Waite imagery and I'm enjoying learning/reading with this deck, but I wish I had gone with a different version when I first started. I am looking at the Aces again now, though, and I realize I did totally skip over all of the background imagery. The suit symbols are just so "in your face" in these cards and there's no human figure to draw the eye, but of course there is always more going on. I don't remember noticing that the Ace of Wands has a castle in the background before, and I've never thought about the symbolism of the dove(?) in the Ace of Cups.

Another way I thought the 3 of Cups/Ace of Cups could be read was saying that it was an "emotionally supportive" deck, but I would need to look elsewhere to connect on that deepest emotional/intuitive level. However, I wasn't sure if being "emotionally supportive" fit with the rest of the reading, which suggested a much more difficult path and a need to be brave (7 of wands as important characteristic, 9 of swords as "how I can best learn from this deck"). I was not terribly satisfied with the interview reading, honestly... maybe that's another sign that I just need to get a new deck? I've been holding off on spending money, but even though I do like many aspects of both my decks, I'm starting to realize another deck might speak to me more.

New beginnings makes sense, as well. I especially like your description of the Ace of Swords as a "sharp new revelation of truth", Butterfly Moon. I added that to my notes for the card. :) I could see the Ace of Cups as the beginning, or the seed/roots, of surface feelings and emotions, buried in the subconscious. So something could be related to the emotional realm, but still not able to trace them to their start.

Thank you to both of your for your thoughts and advice!


I interpret the Aces as seeds of new beginnings, as raw material, as potential. They're a gift that you can decide now what to make of it. I find them very empowering. They're complex gifts and always need to be developed and grown by the querent.

Depending on the deck, the Ace of Wands is a spike in energy, a push to achieve something that was slumbering inside, a call to make something happen that you were doubtful whether you're up to it - often a call to stop procrastinating. It's like a torch you are given to carry where you think it's needed, or a new tool to use where you see fit.

The Ace of Cups is an emotional chance, a call to develop a relationship or to nurture a feeling within, to connect emotionally or to trust your intuition.

The Ace of Swords means new insights, the courage to accept a challenge or to confront a problem. It calls you to trust your intelligence, your ability to verbalize, your ability to communicate. Go and solve the riddle! bring clarity! cut through that knot! discuss with a clear head!

The Ace of Pentacles shows a seed of material well-being - either a physical regimen, a health chance, a sensual experience, that I can embrace if I choose to, for my benefit. It can mean a chance to make money, to develop an investment, to make a talent earn me money.

It's really for me the raw material of the suit, put into your hands to make of it what you understand. The Ace asks you: what will you do with me? Letting the potential of an Ace go to waste is sad but happens all the time. The Ace is there to remind us that there is such a chance, such an opening right now.

Challenging cards, yes, but I really love them.


Thank you, Nemia - I really like that way of thinking about the aces. I definitely feel like I can see more of their unique character(s) after reading through these answers. They aren't just placeholder cards!


My firts thought in reading your question was whether you've tried connecting with Aces in different decks. Glad you're interviewing decks, and you seem to be on the same vibe, wondering if it's time to move on.

I agree with the insights above, and would add, I have a friend who emphatically states that Aces are "YES" cards. As in yes, whatever you're asking about will work. They are cards of abundance. I also connect to the root energy of the card. Each of the suits is a cycle, and aces are the beginning again in a new cycle of energy. One of the posters said something about the raw creative power, I agree with that. In that vein, I've read that Aces contain the energy of each of the subsequent cards in the suit.

I'd be interested to hear how you read--what input you get that you interpret into words in a reading. I sometimes get inspired words in my head, and I get feelings. But overall I simply "say what I see." Perhaps this is an immature way to read cards, but it is how I learned and it's been surprisingly accurate, so I guess that's my vocab. So when I struggle to connect with a card, I simply start describing the features of the card. Example, Here's an Ace of Wands in my Tarot Illuminati deck. I see a muscular arm justing through the clouds. It looks like it's almost forceful, but in a nonviolent way. The wand itself is decked with flowers and subtle energetic the context of a reading, this description usually prompts my insight and/or gets the querant talking or commenting so that the interpretation clicks into place. That's the goal anyway :O) Good luck!