book that address ethical issues


Also I don't understand in what altered consciousness the client is in. I could imagine you being in such a state, but do you give your clients drugs or alcohol to spark that altered state? Although I don't read for other people as much anymore and I've never read nearly as much as the professionals on the forum, I have been into this stuff for over twenty years (and as tarotbear so kindly reminded me, yesterday was my eleven year anniversary on AT!) and although I have dealt with some loaded questions, it has never been a question of probing into someone's psyche, and the concept of transference is, to me, completely alien in the context of a reading. I really, really can't imagine the factors that would cause a querent to fall in love with me over a reading (they do it because I am devastatingly gorgeous).

I really think some context of where you're coming from is necessary in order to address your post properly.


In the OP's defense I think the crux of the post was the subject of therapeutic ethics in Tarot readers in general with the book as backdrop. That being said, I think that it is very dangerous meddling with those things at all. The second those kinds of ethics are even called for is the second the reading ends and the person should be referred to a professional.
If this is about tarot as therapy, I couldn't agree more. Transference has no place in a tarot reading.


I don't care what you call it. I am coming from my own experience of living in city saturated with psychics and other alternative healers, for over 14 years of this, and further experience of exploring the Tarot community through this website, Vast majority of professional tarot readers have not taken the trouble to educate themselves about what happens when you set yourself up as an expert, in any field, This is not exclusive to Tarot, but tarot professionals seem to think themselves above this, as if they are not affected by this. when in truth the risk is perhaps even more so due to use of imagery. Words are processed differently than pictures. Pictures speak a thousand words. Part of the reason for this is that the part of the mind that processes pictures, images, symbols, processes things much faster, so much more "data" is streaming into the querent's mind with tarot cards over modalities that simple use words and or touch. Then there is the whole power thing that happens in every situation where a person sets themselves up to be viewed as an expert offering services. Psychologically it can get mucky. So when I say ethics, what I am talking about is educate yourself about the psychological affects around these two issues, so that you do not inadvertently hurt someone. The risk for injury is higher when offering this sort of service to strangers. so educate yourself about the psychological implications of this influence. to protect yourself from being pulled into messy situations, as well as to protect others from being overly influenced by your beliefs. I'm talking about educating yourself about healthy boundaries. and to be extra careful when working with someone who is in altered state of consciousness, ie, highly suggestive state of mind.


If this is about tarot as therapy, I couldn't agree more. Transference has no place in a tarot reading.

transference can happen anytime you set yourself up as an expert. educate yourself.


the town I lived in for 14 years that was saturated with psychics, alternative healers, also had one of the biggest Southern Baptist colleges in the area, and also strong military influence. Anyone practicing alternative arts, had to be on top of their game both in terms of lots of competition as well as skeptics, fearful ones eager to point the finger. So there was a lot of pressure to be professional. and I appreciate this now that I look back on it. It was not comfortable, and I resented it at the time, but now I see the gifts.


The more gifted you are the more responsibility you have to not misuse it. esp. when this affects people's mind. However you use Tarot you are targeting their mind. so one needs to know about how the mind works. and how to protect the client if and when they are in altered state of consciousness.


pictures affect the mind/consciousness totally different way than touch or words. How much do you know about this? Look at how long counselors have to practice and go to school. and they only use words, body language, etc. So if you don't want to put in the effort to educate yourself about this, then make sure you are offering your services as entertainment only. truly, otherwise you are in danger of becoming a genuine quack. A quack is someone who misleads people for selfish reasons. someone who sets themselves up as professional tarot reader without troubling to educate themselves about the ethical aspects of their craft is naive at best, and quack at worst. If you are serious about this, gifted in using tarot then educate yourself about these issues so that you don't fall into the traps that plague any field. I'm talking about healthy boundaries, respecting your querent's rights, and watching over them if they are in altered state of mind. I'm not talking about moral judgements or legal things.


duplicate, deleted


Once the person lets down their guard, lets us in, we have obligation not to misuse our strength. the more responsibility one has not to misuse that trust.


Also I don't understand in what altered consciousness the client is in. I could imagine you being in such a state, but do you give your clients drugs or alcohol to spark that altered state? Although I don't read for other people as much anymore and I've never read nearly as much as the professionals on the forum, I have been into this stuff for over twenty years (and as tarotbear so kindly reminded me, yesterday was my eleven year anniversary on AT!) and although I have dealt with some loaded questions, it has never been a question of probing into someone's psyche, and the concept of transference is, to me, completely alien in the context of a reading. I really, really can't imagine the factors that would cause a querent to fall in love with me over a reading (they do it because I am devastatingly gorgeous).

I really think some context of where you're coming from is necessary in order to address your post properly.

educate yourself about how people achieve altered states without using drugs or alcohol. and educate yourself about how your expanded consciousness affects the querent.