Significance of 3 court cards of the same suit in a reading


Just noticed the Page of Wands as the outcome. That could indicate a child or giving birth to a child, especially if an Ace and the Empress is involved.

But it could also be that the relationship just doesn't take off and become as stable or that you find someone else new and more exciting.

If you posted the full reading in "Your Readings" section people might have get a better grasp of the overall reading and be able to help you better.


It could be that there's a lot of wands stuff going on in your life, and the courts are the best way to communicate that in this given case. Wands are excited, adventurous and can be impulsive because they can be swept up in the mood of things. The Knight, in my opinion, is the most adventurous and impulsive of them all, so perhaps it is a good thing he's not around. Wands like doing stuff, so it might be a hint to you that you need to be out and about. Knight of Wands is more of a party guy, the other court cards are less in need of that chaotic expression. They don't seek to change things up, they just ask for a change in pace.

So the Page as an outcome would be the beginning of that journey. Just telling you to spread good vibes and to take things lightly. We can get stuck in now-or-never attitudes, and forget that life itself is a journey! There might be something in your life you're taking too seriously so the cards might be telling you to have more fun with it.

That makes a lot of sense about being out and about. When I posted this I was in need of some change and it turns out I went on an extended vacation when I got news my father needed me and the man I was asking about came with me.


Just noticed the Page of Wands as the outcome. That could indicate a child or giving birth to a child, especially if an Ace and the Empress is involved.

But it could also be that the relationship just doesn't take off and become as stable or that you find someone else new and more exciting.

If you posted the full reading in "Your Readings" section people might have get a better grasp of the overall reading and be able to help you better.

Thank you, I will do that. I'm still getting use to the formats on the use of the threads