can anyone recommend a good/simple spread for a specific love question?


hi all... i recently did a celtic cross spread about someone and i getting back together, but was told it may have been to complicated for such a question.

can anyone recommend a simpler, yet accurate spread?? i've had a look and there is nothing really JUMPING out at me to try. suggestions? thanks :)


ah, thanks so much for the link! there are some that look really god :) have you tried or had success with any of them yourself?



1: What he/she thinks of you
2: Where he/she wants for the relationship
3: Where He/she sees the relationship going
4: What he/she will do for the relationship to work
5: What he/she will give for the relationship to work
6: What is unexpected
7: Near future
8: Long term future

This is the one that I like best for relationships. I made it up. It's focus is mostly on the partner as I don't really need information on how I'm feeling or what I want. If doing this for another person however you can repeat cards 1 through 5 for their point of view.

Card 4 is about actions and card 5 is about compromises/ sacrifices as well as general giving.

I recommend designing your own readings to get answers that are exactly what you need to know. Spend a little time writing town a bunch of possible questions and then ring the ones that cover everything that you want help with.

I hope that this helps you. Good luck with all your readings!