The other Sixes ...


Our racially mixed couple continues to parade through the sixes ...

Cups - LWB: " Fond memories. A gift given in friendship or love." - A nice image, but I still want to know why there isn't a suit image somewhere in the card - two glasses of mimosas to celebrate the occasion, perhaps? (Yes, I see them in the border on the blanket, but it seems too subtle since they can be seen as a Greek Keye design.) Of course, this image is the happier aspect of the card; in the RWS image the little boy is going to walk over the bridge/doorway/gate into adolescence and leave the companion behind, supporting the RWS concept of nostalgia with a tinge of sorrow. Better to celebrate the day! Sixes indicate adjustments in thoughts, attitudes, or conditions. They also represent the ability to transcend difficulties. It could be an 'I'm sorry I acted like a complete jerk yesterday' gift as much as a birthday present.

Wands - A Gay Pride parade. LWB: "The courage of one's convictions. Admiration, acclaim, pride. Appreciation for those who stand up to themselves." I suppose without the horse (RWS) that the card would look too much like XX-Beyond Judgement, but why is everyone standing behind the horseman facing in the opposite direction? Is the horseman IN the parade or attending the parade? Having two figures as the main image opens up a few possibilties - are you the admirer or the admired?


tarotbear said:
[...] why is everyone standing behind the horseman facing in the opposite direction? Is the horseman IN the parade or attending the parade?
I'm confused. :confused: Everyone in the card, including the horseman, is facing to the right, except for the man in the foreground who looks back at the horseman. What am I missing?

-- Lee


In the background there is a man in a felt hat, a person with spiked hair, and someone in a hardhat(?). They are looking away from the rider.


Oh I see what you mean. They're all facing the same direction but their faces are turned slightly away from him. I think the general idea is they're all part of the parade, going in the same direction. Antonella probably wanted the rider's face facing more toward the viewer so we could see him better. We could interpret this a little deeper by speculating that perhaps the rider is more concerned with how he appears to his friend than with the parade itself.

-- Lee