solve a mystery spread


here is the spread.

0. soul message
1. what
2. how
3. when
4. where
5. why
6. who
7, 8, 9, three other things to know
10 the outcome.

this spread isnt' written in stone,, it was designed to find people, to find murderers, to figure out how things were done.
you can interchange what to who and vice versa.
to put extra emphasis on what aspect you want to work on,, the main thing is to have all these points in the spread.

also the soul message is important for if a court card come up then look for political reasons or people. (the who card becomes more important)

if the soul message shows a major arcana card,, then obiviously we are dealing more then the typical mystery and many people can be involved.
(also the why would become more important)

if it shows a mundane card then look towards the position of when, what, where how for special importance.

the three things to know is to fill out the card and shed more light on the spread ..

and the outcome could be to catch the killer, to solve the mystery..
or it could be when more information is shown,, or at the very worst why we may never solve the case..
it all depends on the cards. and what information we have before us.


Thank you for posting this HOLMES.
It is very concise and direct.
I can't wait to try it out.


I have a very similar spread, with just the who what where...etc. part only.
It is a quite versatile spread, for not only unraveling a mystery, but looking into all sort of situations.
I sometimes even make complete sentences for each position starting with the who, what where....



you probaly wasn't there,,

but back when i used to chat up a storm in aeclectic chatroom is where i first came up with that , who what where..
(at least i think i came up with it ,, probaly was a join project whoever i was in the chatroom with at the time )

since then it was alwasy in the back of my mind and wondered how can i make it better
and i couldn't figure out how,, as i watch a lot of dectives tv shows (mostly old school like columbo, and quincy, and medium is a dectective show to )
and of course played old games like csi, law and order for pc.

of course motive is why,
opportunity would be when

brb let me check out something
motive, means and opportunity yeah.

so motive would be why,
means would be the combo of what/how
opportunity would be the combo of where and when.
and the three things to know could be little things to pay attention to fill out the details.

complete sentaces would be filling out the spread and personalizing it for crime example
why did the person take the dress?

or do you mean something differnt for complete sentances?


Why they took the dress, yes.
Creating the sentences narrows things down.
If the motive is already known, then the why question can be directed to look at something else.
Why did the victim get in the car? or what ever the focus needs to be.
or Why did the culprit involve a second person.
The questions are endless as well as dependent on the situation.


yes , umm

i was trying to remember who was in the chatroom when this spread was created.
it was a regular member at the time so probaly from 2003 to 2006 ?
if it is you,, please post any updates you have to this spread,
also i want to give you credit for cocreating this as well.