the jungian tarot magican


looking at the key word for the medition.
"the magican is the role of the son, ways in which the son reminds part of the father, the idea of male, and is the opposite of the daughter"

when considering the magican , we are to consider our role as the son of the universe, how we remind connected to the source. and that son is our ideal for our male force in our lives. and the opposite but equal force is the female which is the daughter.

"the magican is the celestial alchemist, the ultimate director of the quest for self. he is the author of sun and moon . he is at once the potential for all opposites and the means for their reconciliation. as mercurius he is the messenger of the gods.

the magicna himself understand the stars and uses the stars as his basis for his change. the quest for self i understand is our creative energies and how we are seeking to create as son creates his own world.

the child shall compelte the father phrase comes to mind, the magican is the hope for all the dreams the father has and the fears he has as well. the son doens't become like the father but a mirror type of his father but in a differnt energy wise.
so in this instance the son doens't become a clone.
as messenger of the gods, it is a message that we all hear the message of gods which is the father and mother archetypes which speak to us.
(inside us all as messangers of the gods lies the ability to become a prophet which is as i understand sharing the message as to recieve the next one and those that hear it , do what thy wilt with it )

this is the animus archetype which is a real personality that "exist deep inside our unconscious and which we interact especailly in dreams"
"they are guides into caverns of our own mind "

here is the hint that each tarot archetype as we defined it and understand it exists within us all, but the true archetype is all of these and more and we are only beginning to understand it .

"when a men talks to animus he does so as an outsider. but to a female this figure is very real, he is the eptome of the male. he is brother, father, husband son. he is one whose characteristics
reflect the traditional male role through out history , including demand of respect, and a tendency to be quite arguementative."

if that is true , that only the female can truly understand the male, then logicaly speaking only a male can understand the female archtype .
perhaps that is the reason for stereotypes of our society. we have so many understandings of each other that we generalize and so in generalizing the opposite sex, we defined them and limite them.

"mercury was the creator of language, and animus likes to expound on things, can be very wordy and does not like to admit he is ever wrong.
moreover he may change his mind as quickly as he may change the form in which he appears "

the magican is master of language then , but the force that defines him tries to expand on things, and be wordy while saying nothing , and doens't admit he is wrong ?
i think that as a male energy animus is always moving forward and that is he expounds on things, and never admits he is wrong for to admit he is wrong would be to say he misused his nature.

the part about changing his mind as quickly as changing his form was for me always associate sterotypically with a the female, yet to change one mind is to change their force out in the world , and so that would be based on that statement the animus inside the female making its present known.
the part about changing form from husband to father to warrior to brother,
is the same as the female changing from daughter, to mother, to warrioress, to sister.
so both animus and anima can change their direct to best reflect each other. i would concur.

"a woman whole quest for selfdiscovery is encapsulated in her relationship to the magican, animus. "

nothing that stems from one force can be understood by itself until a reflect is shown as how we look to another.
so by that reasoning, a woman who analyzes her relationship to the animus reveal herself as an anima more .

"jung states that this very complex can appear not only as single figure, but can be a group of some short, such as a panel of judges!"

here we got the archtype of the man, the bossman, the patrole board, the comittee, the senate, all forms of animus deciding what is best , or best to direct their energy.
which leads to the emperor energies.

"mercurius is also the archtype of the trickster. the magican will make things up as he goes along, and will lie if it amuses him to do so"

here i am seeing the archetype of the seducing man who will makes things up, lie if need be in order to furfill the ritual of love making.
and then we see the archtype of the trickster , lying, making things up in order to achieve power over others . it is a dark power.

"consider discrimnation is required here and many of the points that could be said of the fool can be made for this card "

perhaps that is why the fool is so close to the magican in assocation in modern day .
(tomorrow for the son medition )


the son mediation.
i am the magican who force as the animus drive sme to create to move forward to live life as needs must be explored and will used.

it can be likened to the sexual build up fo creative build up within it needs to be explored and released but not by mysefl do i release it but into a receptive vechile which is the world which is waiting to be bent to my will.

as the sun and as the magican i learn that i am not all powerful for there is other forces as play int he world and it is my understanding fo them that i see best how to use them.

on the table before me you see my tools of creation.

my cups is shown before in the beaker, and the pedestil and mortal which is using the cup of emotions to recieve the crushed up earth to either light with my personal fire or to add the water of life to which is aviable for us all.

the fire is ablazed in the middleof the table by no artifical means but still it lies there, it is not dangerious for i control it with my will and can direct it to transmute that which is before me. it is by my control of the gas which is pure air affected by my mind that i can actaully control the fire.

the candles at either side of the table exist there to show me that i need some light reflected by the fires of the universe in order to give me a creative spark.

the flie for me respresents the lord of the flies, and the archetype that without rules i will resort to my animalistic nature.
in side us all lies fear of the unknown, and that which we dont' understand and ultiamlty of our own natures. the pig head that spoke to simon is a reflection that our spiritual mystic side can recieve teachings from all aspects of our lives.

in the clouds behind me you see vield the source of my power, but you also see the sun and the moon.
who really controls the moon ? it is my animus energies that directs the moon and it is the females energies of the earth that is receptive to the earth.

what i refused to see is earth and the female energies has it own power and in truth the moon is controlled by both of us .
for the sun to burn for so long there must be a recpetive quality in which to recieve the animus in it to constantly renew itself.

the ground is barren ,and the water is pure like my father and my mother which lies to me to use the waters and the barren earth to see fit and harvest what i can as my talents.

for the dark sun i can use the family resources to my own end and dispate it away to leave nothing for my future generations to come.
and do i act on my own will or those morals set before me by the fathers of my ancestors and live up to the integrity of my mother ?

my mandal reminds me of christinity and so it is said that the son is truly the sun, and the christ.
in truth we are all the suns. and the mirror balance fo the sun is the daughter which has to be explored yet but is finally being recnogized by the masses.