Which decks do you use in the winter?


I forgot to mention Tarot Noir. Also I believe Pagan Otherworlds will fit really well.


I L-O-V-E choosing decks on a seasonal basis! :)

Nicoletta Ceccoli Tarot: the children, the toys, the candy, and the creepiness are like a haunted winter holiday. Plus, the card backs remind me of ivy and winter berries.

(Tho these might remind RRD of a haunted winter holiday) THIS brings up a question for me about the Ceccoli cardbacks: They look SO Christmasy to me w the holly-looking red berries and green. They don't seem to relate to the fronts at all, or do they? I like it when a card backs hint at the card fronts themselves! I wonder why these backs were chosen??

Ix Chel

I always use my RWS deck. I really schould have more decks to choose from.


I always use my RWS deck. I really schould have more decks to choose from.

If you enjoy that deck and are happy doing what you're doing, there's no need to get any more decks! Only if you really want to. Just beware that collecting can become addictive!


I love autumn and winter. They make me think of cosy afternoons reading under a blanket, of discussions with friends over hot chocolate, and of hello kisses that are both warm and cool because one has been outside.

I like to work with deep-coloured, blue, red and golden decks. The Botticelli Tarot, Kat Black's Golden Tarot, even the Legacy of the Divine tarot (that ten of cups!) come to my mind.
I had not thought of the Dreaming Way before, but I think it fits very well - long walks in chilly weather. The Wild Unknown has a similar feeling, to me.


(Tho these might remind RRD of a haunted winter holiday) THIS brings up a question for me about the Ceccoli cardbacks: They look SO Christmasy to me w the holly-looking red berries and green. They don't seem to relate to the fronts at all, or do they? I like it when a card backs hint at the card fronts themselves! I wonder why these backs were chosen??

I think it relates to the box design which is the ace of wands and the holly, etc that's in the card
They've updated it from the looks of Google with adding a girls face on the back as well and that definitely ties into the rest of the deck.


I think it relates to the box design which is the ace of wands and the holly, etc that's in the card
They've updated it from the looks of Google with adding a girls face on the back as well and that definitely ties into the rest of the deck.

Thanks for the response Achlys :) And for doing an image search too! Yes I see that they have combined the AoW w the face on the Moon card, so that looks a lot better to me. yay


Time goes so fast and it's already December!

I find dark & gothic Tarot decks perfect for the season. Something about the long black nights and the chilly bleak scenery makes them apt. Plus the dark and creepy atmosphere contrasts so well with all the Christmas cheer around you.

I just started an IDS of the Gothic Tarot by Vargo. I hope the holidays would prove to be an auspicious time for this.


Of course I have several year-round decks, but I do love to match decks up with seasons. Winter can be tricky, but I have a few:

Russian Tarot of St Petersburg
Anna K
Whimsical (for the holiday season)
Grail (for later in the winter, like February)

And I never thought of Hudes, but that would work very well.

Of course, I like Victorian Fairy all year. :) But I love those winter scenes.


I don't consciously choose deck for Winter but I did recently notice a craving for brighter imagery, probably an unconscious attempt to combat the effects of shorter days.