Crystal ally card study group: Water



Image: a beautiful rainbow flashes across a mountain waterfall.

This person needs to go with the flow. She may be pushing herself too hard. She may be unable to express herself or speak her truth. She may be holding onto relationships or situations that are getting in her way.

Emotionally, she may be frustrated or angry. She may be repressing her feelings or not giving herself enough time to feel them. She may need to release emotions that have been holding her back, particularly old sadness or anger. On the spiritual level, she may be called to heal others. She may have trouble being still.

Water will help her to process experiences without grabbing onto them. She will be able to take a rest or stop if she needs to. She will be able to let go of situations that no longer serve her. She will be able to communicate what she wants honestly. On the emotional level, she will release old beliefs or habits. She will have real joy. Spiritually, she will find great peace. Her empathy and healing gifts will be increased at this time.

If this is a health issue, it may concern the heart or throat chakras. Water also helps cellular communication, hormones, lymph, and circulation.