Psycards Study Group - 4 Now


Now - The hour is ripe. Now is your hour. Go to fulfil your heart's desire.

I like that I can ask timing questions with this deck too. but for other things it confuses me too lol. I remember I was asking about an event that ocurred in the past and I got this card I took it to mean to stop thinking about the past and focus on the present. It might mean perfect timing like if you ask "whats the reason for this?" "it is not the right time". i dont know it leaves me thinking if the question is not time related. The book speaks about maturity as well and that relates to timing. hm...


Here is the image of this card. Its literal message is "Make hay while the sun shines" because there is a shining sun in the upper-right-hand corner of the card, and a farmer harvesting his crop, which looks like hay, set against the abstract background covering much of the card. The image on this card is very reminiscent of the Sun card--and also the Money card, which could show the very same farmer planting his (symbolic) crop of coins.