Divining for birth time?


I thought I would try some random generators... first random number which came up as 10. Then image generator for time of day - I was getting dusky images. So that made me think the evening, is the client in a country where it is still light late at night??

Thanks Little One for doing this for me. The client is in a country where it gets dark at the moment around 9pm :)


I find divining for numbers and names and words really inaccurate! randomly you get a hit but it's really unreliable!

I saw your thread in astrology SB, check out Ivanna's in that area recently about finding her birth time for her chart. If you can get the client to get a copy of her birth certificate (the long version or the more expensive original one, not the short other one). Sometimes in our countries though they don't record the time :( They could also ask family / close family friends if they can remember the time of birth. That is the most accurate way of doing it.

If you have to divine it, put numbers out on paper and see where the pendulum swings on them. You could use tarot / oracle cards and see what numbers come up. Could you ask for the birth time and dream it? there was a thread about dreaming of exact dates / times recently here

Hi (((Daniel))), yes it is a bit touch and go. Will try your tips,,,i like the idea of putting the numbers on paper and using the pendulum. Will also check out the thread. Thanks for your help x


I also wanted to add that you should trust your initial reading. You said the answer was clear. I know you want to be certain and that's why you asked here but I think you're second guessing yourself now, and that's usually when readings become muddy and inexact.

Yes i agree BE...always go with the first answer is a good idea

Thanks! x