A guide for the advanced soul - book of insight


Hey All,

So... I purchased "A guide for the advanced soul' a book of insight by Susan Hayward, a few weeks ago. It's a book filled with inspirational quotes that can 'assist' you with problems..

The book states " Hold a problem in your mind, open the book to any page and there will be an answer for you".

I've been using this book for literally years, as my mum had this book as I was growing up, so the answers really resonate for me.

I wouldn't mind doing a few readings to see if the quote resonates with you... I'll attempt to see if any more intuitive bits and pieces come up too!

I'll do 3 'readings' to begin with :D
So if you wanted to leave a question / situation you're in at the moment... that would be a good start :p





Great idea!!

What is it I am not hearing from him that would make this time less painful?


I ll try it
I would like to go deeper with Ab gaining intimancy and developments if i start to call him will i achieve it?because with texts sometimes i am feeling that he is bored to write much


I'll go!

I would like some words of wisdom about what has happened to my friendship with CR.

Thanks, sounds like a v interesting book....


interesting! if you plan to do more i would like to know where am i headed in my career next?
thanks darling!


I know you already have your 3, but I used to own this book many years ago, and would love some insight/advice regarding my daughter


Great idea!!

What is it I am not hearing from him that would make this time less painful?


Sorry about the delay - I was procrastinating at 2am in the morning to avoid writing an essay...

The quote: " I do not expect anything from others, so their actions cannot be in opposition to wishes of mine" - Swami Sri Yukteswar - Autobiography of a yogi.

Looking at the question + quote, i'd say it's all about dropping your expectations that you may have of him. When you don't expect anything, then you can't get hurt emotionally. I think it's about letting things run their course and releasing your attachment to the situation for a while. And having some of your own time, some quite time by yourself to reflect and seek some relief from stress... I think some inner reflection work or meditation would be awesome at this time.

The main things that came to mind was longing, need for a break away, and stress.

Hope that resonates for you in some way.



I ll try it
I would like to go deeper with Ab gaining intimancy and developments if i start to call him will i achieve it?because with texts sometimes i am feeling that he is bored to write much

Yeah, calling someone is a better option than texting. You get a lot more out of a phone conversation that you do from a volley of text messages. You'll also be able to assess if he wants to engage in conversation.

I think this isn't really a question that needs to be answered with any intuition, it's a no brainer. However your quote:

"Deep down within the core of our being, lies a creative power, the capacity to create what is to be, and the urge to make unremitting efforts until we have given shape in one way or another, either outside ourselves or within our own person" J.W Von Gothe - From my life: poetry and Tri

I think this quote is all about the need to be creative, and the capacity for things to become 'deeper' is all about putting in the effort. If you want things to become 'deeper' with AB put in some effort. If you put in effort and he engages... well that's a bonus. If he doesn't... well it might be time to focus your energies elsewhere.

Hope that resonates with you.


If you reopen I would love to sit. I would like insight on how to become more emotionally stable


I'll go!

I would like some words of wisdom about what has happened to my friendship with CR.

Thanks, sounds like a v interesting book....

Sure thing :D The book has been around for ages... You could probably look it up on Amazon if you were interested. It's a great book when you want some quick answers....

Quote: "Trials are but lessons that you failed to learn presented once again, so where you made a faulty choice before you can now make a better one and thus escape all pain that what you chose before has brought to you" - Course in miracles

Hmmm interesting quote! Obviously from your question there is a sense of ending or parting ways or just not speaking with CR. I think this quote is about you having certain types of people in your life that are just... not good for you... I kind of feel that your friendship with CR was a bit of a lesson, to show you again, that.... some people are just... well plain a-holes at times! And to also highlight that you can escape the burden of these types of people that perhaps take advantage of you... So it's time to step into your own power, acknowledge that people come into your life for a reason, and look at some self - empowerment stuff... being assertive with choices...

The main themes that came up for me was life lessons, being assertive, and not inviting people into your life that may take advantage of your good nature....

Hope that resonates with you.
