Reference/Study Materials for Numerolgoy in Tarot


Thanks buddy. I think you know that I warm up to Case's writting. I had not seen this Introduction and it's a really good piece. I've got it downloaded, soon to print.
There are a few misprints, probably due to the OCR, but they are all obvious, I think.



I'm following up about Numerology and The Divine Triangle by Faith Javane and Dusty, ISBN: 9780914918103. I admit, I've gotten interested in some other reading, but I now have the book mentioned above and my casual perursal of it is definitely positive. The authors are totally into Tarot and along with Pathagoran, Hermetic and biblical referrences, they go card by card through the Tarots. I'm glad to have it--another building block, a strong tributary in the great river of these 78 wonders.


"The Theology of Arithmetic" by Iamblichus could have been an influence on the creators of Tarot. He studied under Porphyry, a pupil of Plotinus.

...But, more specifically concerned with Tarot and Number, I liked the way way Joseph Maxwell used number in his interpretations of some of the cards. His method was different than most authors use.

After "1" the numbers are all composite, like "9" is 3x3 or 4+5 or 3+6... each one of these combinations of other numbers would contribute to the many-faceted meaning of "9".

He explains it better than I do just by using his system while talking about the cards. The Book is "The Tarot: An Indispensable Aid for Every Serious Student of the Cards" by Joseph Maxwell (he was a French judge, Procureur General).