Ciel J

I've been after this film role for a long time, having sent out dozens of emails to the casting directors but haven't yet received a reply. I was also thinking of putting in a call sometime soon but i don't really know whether to be patient or proceed. The film will be shot in May so i'm quite anxious.

Here are 2 set's of questions I asked the Tarot:


Near Future- Justice : Weigh the pro's and con's, make a decision and communicate with the directors?

Outcome- 9 of Pentacles: Have patience and success will come through?

External Influences- Judgement: The casting directors are currently judging my potential to play the role in the film??

Obstacle- King of swords: Too much communication from my side?? The emails and follow ups and the aggressive pursuit of the role is causing more harm than good?


Near Future: Moon: The casting directors don't plan on revealing anything to me yet. Perhaps they've already found an actor and are being silent on it?

Outcome: Hanged Man/Clarifier: Justice: A fair decision will be made but it will be revealed only at the end keeping me in suspension.

External influences: 8 of wands-maybe the casting process will end soon and i will have to move on? Or perhaps I might receive some sort of news in the future of someone else getting the role?



Sorry, but the cards suggest you are not going to get the role, so no point following up too much. The 8 of wands suggest they have found someone they really like and will go with her.

Ciel J

Ok, but how/which cards suggest i'm not getting the role?? Is there still no hope for me to fight for the role??


Justice - a fair decision will be made after weighing all pros and cons
9 of pentacles - you will be left on your own i.e. you wont get the job. (This is the main card indicating you won't get it)
Judgement - something sudden but huge has come on their plate. Someone they really like (reiterated later by 8 of wands in same position)
King of swords - the casting director knows his job. He is meticulous and will leave no stone unturned to find the right actor for the job
Moon - You wont hear good news
Hanged man/Justice - You are left hanging and have to start from scratch
8 of wands - again someone has caught their eye


Justice can mean triumph, and the 9 of pents can mean accomplishment.

You say you've sent emails, but have you sent a resume? Professional photographs? Brags about successful roles you've done in the past? Have you called? Shown up at the door prepared to read for them? To audition?

What I'm reading here is that if you sit back and wait, you will not get the role. You must fight for it. If you want it, you must give it your all. How can Justice be done if they have not truly seen your finest effort?

Ciel J

Well I've decide to up my tactics today!! I did send in a headshot, and a reel but i wasn't very persistent enough in sending more material and neither was my agent. So today I'm just going to have to take matters in my own hand and get the casting directors to watch me perform!!

So yeah, perhaps (the moon, hanged man and judgement card) suggest that by waiting nothing fruitful is going to materialize. I need to give the casting directors something so that they way my pro's and cons (Justice). So, even if they have someone in mind, (Moon, 8OW) I can also try to convince them otherwise??? I mean, nothing is set in stone..

Bu I don't get how the 8 of wands suggest there's some else already and the moon=bad news?? Are those cards read that way???


I've been after this film role for a long time, having sent out dozens of emails to the casting directors but haven't yet received a reply. I was also thinking of putting in a call sometime soon but i don't really know whether to be patient or proceed. The film will be shot in May so i'm quite anxious.

Here are 2 set's of questions I asked the Tarot:


Near Future- Justice : Weigh the pro's and con's, make a decision and communicate with the directors?

Outcome- 9 of Pentacles: Have patience and success will come through?

External Influences- Judgement: The casting directors are currently judging my potential to play the role in the film??

Obstacle- King of swords: Too much communication from my side?? The emails and follow ups and the aggressive pursuit of the role is causing more harm than good?
Justice: Be truthful with yourself above all things. If this card showed up in the position of casting directors, then I'd think it would be who makes the cuts for call backs. But since you are asking what you need to do, it would be not get over emotional and use your own good judgement... be realistic.
9 Pentacles is not quite complete yet. It's sort of where you are right now and what you have done to get to this point, so could point to your current experience and expertise, your resumme or what ever they call the things used in the film industry. This is pretty much a summation of your merits. It doesn't say you get the role, only says what you have accomplished and shows your successes.
Judgement for external influences could be "waiting for the call" back, there is also that sense of movement already in the works and the need to go with the flow instead of fighting it. It sounds like you are fighting it.
King Swords as an obstacle, could be trying to control the outcome. It could be that there is a King of Swords (director/producer) that already has someone in mind and since he is King, his word is the last one.


Near Future: Moon: The casting directors don't plan on revealing anything to me yet. Perhaps they've already found an actor and are being silent on it?

Outcome: Hanged Man/Clarifier: Justice: A fair decision will be made but it will be revealed only at the end keeping me in suspension.

External influences: 8 of wands-maybe the casting process will end soon and i will have to move on? Or perhaps I might receive some sort of news in the future of someone else getting the role?


Moon as near future, being in the dark and confused. There is also the bit about being out of one's depth and/or element. No amount of howling or trying to get attention will change the outcome.
Hanged Man clarified by Justice, this is where I think you don't get the role you hoped for, since he is hanging and Justice is cutting. They saw, they weighted and made the cuts, your application was sacrificed... if may not feel fair to you, but they have their own reasoning behind it.
8 Wands as external influences... actually I think bombarding them with communications and such will act to your detriment. I also think that who they do choose for the role hit them suddenly and was just what they wanted so went for it.

I also have a feeling they won't contact you unless they do call backs or you got the role, so while it is really thoughtless to leave you hanging, that is exactly what they do to anyone who auditioned.


Justice: Be truthful with yourself above all things. If this card showed up in the position of casting directors, then I'd think it would be who makes the cuts for call backs. But since you are asking what you need to do, it would be not get over emotional and use your own good judgement... be realistic.
9 Pentacles is not quite complete yet. It's sort of where you are right now and what you have done to get to this point, so could point to your current experience and expertise, your resumme or what ever they call the things used in the film industry. This is pretty much a summation of your merits. It doesn't say you get the role, only says what you have accomplished and shows your successes.
Judgement for external influences could be "waiting for the call" back, there is also that sense of movement already in the works and the need to go with the flow instead of fighting it. It sounds like you are fighting it.
King Swords as an obstacle, could be trying to control the outcome. It could be that there is a King of Swords (director/producer) that already has someone in mind and since he is King, his word is the last one.

Moon as near future, being in the dark and confused. There is also the bit about being out of one's depth and/or element. No amount of howling or trying to get attention will change the outcome.
Hanged Man clarified by Justice, this is where I think you don't get the role you hoped for, since he is hanging and Justice is cutting. They saw, they weighted and made the cuts, your application was sacrificed... if may not feel fair to you, but they have their own reasoning behind it.
8 Wands as external influences... actually I think bombarding them with communications and such will act to your detriment. I also think that who they do choose for the role hit them suddenly and was just what they wanted so went for it.

I also have a feeling they won't contact you unless they do call backs or you got the role, so while it is really thoughtless to leave you hanging, that is exactly what they do to anyone who auditioned.

This is all well thought out, excellently read and explained. All I can add is that five out of the eight cards drawn are Majors--which is a big indicator to me that the process is well beyond anything the querent can influence at this point. The 8 of Wands seems to show the same, that things are already in flight and little can be done to change their path now.

Sorry, I know that's not what you want to hear. :(

Ciel J

Thank you, @Jolie, @Wales, @Gryffin, @Red...& No that's alright! :) I've been fighting for this role for a long time now....but yesterday, I did manage to send another work reel as a last resort. And today I asked the tarot (RWS upright)

"what would be the outcome of sending this new reel and mail to the CD's to get another audition'"? and the cards drawn this time were unexpected or do they mean the same as the previous readings?

Near Future: Ace of Wands-Some sort of creative beginning?
Outcome: Sun/Clarifier 3OW: A positive happy outcome or that irrespective of the outcome I should be happy and wait for some news??
Obstacle: Th Hermit-some sort of seclusion?
Advice: 10 of wands-To keep going at it???
Environment: 5 of cups-Obviously, the delays and the attitude of the CD's have left me feeling somber and depressed.

Will i get to act in the film?

Outcome: Lovers/clarifier: 4 of wands-Some choice will be made-tempting diff choice or safe choice?
Near future: 4 of Swords-Waiting endlessly in expectation or recuperating and a period of rest before anything happens??? THOUGHTS???