Significator Angst


(This seemed to fit under the "Choosing Cards" sub-category, so I put it here.)


Does anyone show the querent the likely range of court cards and let them pick the significator intuitively? I've done a little bit of that with good results, but not enough to draw any conclusions. I haven't read any modern beginner books on tarot divination so I don't know what current thinking is on significator selection. Your thoughts?

I do not use significators although I was taught to do so, and yes it was the traditional court cards based on your physical features ;) (Sorry Grandma) My clients are encouraged to participate in their readings with me, I feel it is important to help them touch their own intuition, and learn what it is and use it, so Yes I think it is a wonderful idea to let your client choose their own significator. I have a reading scheduled tomorrow, think I might give it a try :heart:


I do not use significators although I was taught to do so, and yes it was the traditional court cards based on your physical features ;) (Sorry Grandma) My clients are encouraged to participate in their readings with me, I feel it is important to help them touch their own intuition, and learn what it is and use it, so Yes I think it is a wonderful idea to let your client choose their own significator. I have a reading scheduled tomorrow, think I might give it a try :heart:

I'm not a professional reader, so all of my readings are by definition casual and relaxed, almost never "on the clock." I view every reading as a cooperative effort, and I make sure to engage the querent as necessary in the development of the "story." Getting them actively involved at the very beginning pulls them right into that experience. Often their participation is the only way to make good sense out of the pattern. When it flows smoothly, though, I usually hold any in-depth discussion until the recap at the end. (Of course, they are always free to interrupt the presentation with questions, and I will do the same thing.) Seeing a querent grope for and then grasp an intuitive appreciation for the meaning in the cards is like watching the sun come out from behind the clouds. It's why I continue to do it and don't just cloister myself in my library and study.