Book T Minors: Aries


Face, decan, and decanate are used interchangeably for the most part. Agrippa sometimes distinguishesd bewteen decanate & face, but at other times he deliberately confuses/conflates them.. especially when discussing their "images." Hephaestio & Manilius do something slightly different.Yet another reason why I gotta finish this book.

Remember, the thing to keep in mind is that the planets are the source of "light" (which is not just a illumnation soucrce in the literal sense)... but the decans are often said to rule OVER the planets for reason too complicated to go into in this thread.

Main thing: decan=face=decanate for the most basic purposes. :)


Thanks Scion

Scion said:
Main thing: decan=face=decanate for the most basic purposes. :)

Runs through the trees and trips over the wood he was looking for :|


I think I sounded bossier than I meant to and more pedantic. My only excuse is that I was rushing on my way out the door to dinner. LOL




Nah, not bossy or pedantic. Though you do need to eat slower obviously! (besides I picture you as having a new-yorker/irish accent. Not sure why, but that is the image I have, and so you really don't sound bossy, just occasionally a little drunk ;) )

I'm amused at myself really, I've spent hours pouring over the charts in Frawley trying to commit more of the dignities to memory, and its suddenly apparent that I already know half of them, just didn't realize that I knew them :laugh:

Its obvious that the "faces" are decans, but each time I consulted the lists I was looking for a specific planet, and so never actually noticed the familiar pattern for the planets. It's quite interesting now that you've pointed it out, and leads to some further ideas for discussion.

*picks himself up, dusts of his jeans and runs towards another tree*

Valentine Dragon

I just found this thread, and even if it's old, I'd like to add my thoughts.

About Venus in Aries - it's such a not 'nice' word = 'detriment'. But what does it really mean? If Venus (in Libra - at her 'home') is this diplomatic, social, fair, loving person and in harmony with everyone, what happens when she's placed in Aries?

Her NEED to socialize (harmoniously, fairly, diplomatically) changes the flavor - socialization will be done with war/battle (Aries); She needs to come home with as many troffies as possible, and be active, be first in line --- Venus does not like to be active (she likes to go with flow, undisturbed, and please everyone; she likes to give herself away to others); but here if Venus is in Aries, she likes to think about her 'needs' to come first (Aries), not the others. Venus has to make the 1st (Aries) move - just a thought --

also when putting Empress next to Emperor - who would you think will step down from the chair and go and jump onto the other? Get the 'job' done? My thoughts are, it will be the Empress (if she wants to get pregnant, she will, because she will force (Aries) the Emperor manipulatively (Venus) into the deed.

Maybe that's why it's 'completion', and this card comes up literally when someone is going to a wedding or some kind of other completion.

Well, Venus if at 'home' in Libra - she is pleasing everyone, but in Aries, she realizes she has 'needs' too,.. it can be said as if she (Venus) sees her #1 person (Aries), she shamelessly goes for it, even if it takes some heads down.

Her manifestations could be seen on examples of people who do have Venus in Aries - they are the first in line to flirt with you.

Also 4 of Wands as the 3.decan coresponds with the dates roughly from 10-20 of April. The nature is already awake after winter, it's the time of pairing and multiplying in the animal world.