Cup of Harmony Spread


So, a few days ago I was asked by a relative of mine what could he do to improve his relationship with his boss, so I came up with this spread :D


1. The Querent
2. The Other Person
3. How the Querent sees the Other Person
4. How the Other Person sees the Querent
5. Common personality traits
6. Major personality differences
7. Nature/condition of the relationship currently
8. Steps the Querent can take to improve the relationship
9. Steps the Other Person can take to improve the relationship
10. What will the relationship transform to if both persons act on the advice outlined in 8 and 9

This spread was created in order to shed more light on a troubled relationship between any two people. It is mainly focused on resolving any differences in an environment of good will, co-operation and willingness, and helping to establish a more amicable co-existence between both parties. The purpose of cards 1-4 is to objectively analyse every person and how they view one another. Cards 5-7 emphasise the common ground both parties share, as well as their greatest differences and their relationship as an entity at the moment, while cards 8-10 outline steps each party can take to reach the ideal harmonious relationship. With the Cup of Harmony spread, I as a reader am trying to encourage actual action to be taken for the improvement of the relationship and long-term healing, both of which are applicable even if only a minor dispute needs to settled (eg, a common argument).
It can be used for two individuals, but also for two groups, or any two social structures that need to be compared (in which case the personality traits would be the philosophy behind each group, or their goals.)

Feel free to try this spread for yourselves! I'm eagerly waiting for feedback :)