Work Spread for the Down and Out


I've never "officially" made up a spread and posted it somewhere, so any comments are welcome! :) I guess this is a sword pointing towards the future.

**(4) (1) (5) (6) (7)

(1) What is at the heart of my work (or non-work) situation:
(2) What is "real" in my life that influences my current work situation:
(3) What I should think about/learn/be inspired by before something can positively change:
(4) What from my past will help guide me:
(5) What is at the foundation of a positive change:
(6) How can I make the best of this situation to achieve the next step:
(7) Near-future opportunities to look for and/or point to be taken:


If you'd like to see it in action, I did a reading for myself with this spread here.


Nice spread

I'm going to tweak it for me and give it a try!