Unrequited Lover's Spread


I created this spread recently for a friend who's going through a bad breakup. Looking through the forum, I didn't see any larger spreads specifically tailored to a situation where a querent has romantic feelings that aren't returned, so I thought I'd share.


1. The querent
2. The querent's feelings
3. The source of those feelings
4. Why the relationship is not meant to be
5. The personal effect of the querent's feelings (upon him/herself)
6. Why the querent needs to move on
7. Why the querent is having difficulty moving on
8. How the querent can move forward
9. Outcome

This spread intentionally avoids asking about the other party's feelings, looking at why they don't reciprocate or how the querent can try to win their love. Instead, the focus here is on allowing the querent to let go of unproductive emotions and move forward with his/her life.

If anyone has comments or suggestions for changes, or if you use this spread and would like to share how it goes, I'd love to hear from you.


Love this will have to try it asap


Also glad it does not try to focus on winning the other person as that is usually not helpful


Glad you like the spread! Let me know how it reads.


Awesome spread. Very accurate. Although the last card I pulled in the spread shocked me (pun intended): The Tower. I guess that means that the outcome will be something unexpected, or that I am going to get hit with a major dose of harsh reality soon. Thanks for posting this ! :)


This spread was made for me - all of my love is unrequited, and all the love for me is unrequited, as well. Haha. Thanks! I will be trying this out soon.


What a great idea

Because I'm a bit of a snoring traditionalist, I would just like to point out that the Celtic Cross can also do this.

1. Who you are/ where you are
2. What makes a relationship difficult/unlikely/unhealthy
3. The dominant tbought in your noggin that keeps you stuck
4. What happened in your long ago that predisposed you to this mess
5. Influences passing away/what you've learned from
6. Something to look forward to, what you will realize on yor future w/out this mismatch
7. What brought you to this reading
8. Your environment/is it helping or hurting?
9. Is there something you're afraid of? Something you want?
10. Outcome--If negative, is there something you can do related to #7 to shift it?



The trick is to want the ones who want you, alas it's easier said than done. I think if you really love yourself it's easier bc then anyone who doesn't like you is a bit suspect. Sometimes it's quite comforting to ask for one card to tell you what's perfectly right about you. I did this and got the death card. Meaning: One excellent thing about me is I know when to end it. :)


Very spot on

I appreciate that this spread makes one self-examine but not in that self-loathing or self-demoralizing way that often occurs when the break up occurs.

I felt the cards were pretty spot on about what I knew was going on within me. When it comes to the idea of "outcome" it can be really difficult to know which way the wind is indicating. I couldn't tell if the outcome referred to me and that individual or just for me specifically. I got the Knight of Wands as an outcome clarified by the Hermit.

Two very different energetic cards...

Thank you for posting this anyhow!


The trick is to want the ones who want you, alas it's easier said than done. I think if you really love yourself it's easier bc then anyone who doesn't like you is a bit suspect. Sometimes it's quite comforting to ask for one card to tell you what's perfectly right about you. I did this and got the death card. Meaning: One excellent thing about me is I know when to end it. :)

So much wisdom here.