Your go-to spread


I wonder what everyone's go-to spread is. Mine is never CC, I love Horseshoe spread. I also love Illuminating Star spread too. Would like to hear people's opinions :)


I usually do just a 3-card spread, with the meanings of the positions changing as needed. Sometimes it's "what three things do I need to do for..." Other times it's a Past/present/future thing. Outside of that I do like spreads with 7cards or less - I think the horseshoe I use is 7 cards


My favorite "go-to" spreads are:


4 card "Next Step" spread:
Current situation/Don't do/Do/Outcome if advice taken

Not really a spread, but I like to do a 3 card draw where I either
read the cards from left to right as a "story", or the middle card
is the main message and the cards on either side clarify it.


Mine is the "bridge" spread. Three cards, left "where I am", right "where I need to be", and middle "how to get there".
:) :) :)


The SWOT spread (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat) and the Desire spread (what you have, desire, need and get) from MacGregor/Vega's Power Tarot are my favorite spreads - I love the number four.

I also do the first part of the CC, I call it Celtic wheel - without the staff with is for me information overflow.


CC all the way.


I also mainly do a 3 card spread. Usually Past/Present/Future or Blockage/Where am I now/How do I deal with it.


My Go To spread is 3 cards with no positions but I do like the Horseshoe spread and CC has it's uses with questions with a larger reading. sometimes I do add positions to the 3 cards.

I used to use this helping with anxiety spread a lot, I took the positions from that and use it in any situation now. It's basically...

- What will help the situation?
- What will make things worse?
- What something new could I try out, to add to the situation?


I usually use a 3 card spread, with any of the endless varieties available there.

When I want more, I'll usually use one of a couple 5 card spreads (either the elemental with spirit, or situation/challenge/solution/hidden/outcome).

I do love to try different spreads often though from what I see online or find in books.


My go-to spread is a 7-card 'hourglass' spread. I'm also playing around with a 3x3 square.