Secret Crush Spread


I was wondering if you can help me interpret a reading. This is in reference to the crush spread (simplified one). So for 1 (true nature of my feelings for him) I got the Emperor. I feel as if this symbolizes that I see him as an unreachable goal. Like I'm obsessed with the thought of achieving him, or possibly I see him as an overarching figure that's too good for me. For 2 (how he feels about me) I got the Queen of Pentacles. He most likely sees me as a kind and giving person. That should most likely be true because I do give him a lot of candy lol. This also suggest that he feels like I'm a maternal type of friend, I've often been called the mom friend. For 3 (how would he react if I confessed to him my true feelings) I got Justice. Maybe this suggests that all I have done will be paid back, like maybe there's a turn for the better. For 4 (best way to act around him) I got the Queen of Swords. Maybe I should ditch the kind motherly act and hit a more witty, intellectual, and bold manner. For 5 (does he have other people in his life) I got the Magician. This one really threw me off, he has connections with more like minded people? And for 6 (outcome) I got the Eight of Pentacles. Maybe a commencement of a relationship that I'm not accustomed to, a start for personal growth. As you can see I'm pretty desperately hopeful. Thank you so much for even reading.


Is this a spread you created yourself or found here in the forums? Im pretty rusty at tarot but ill assume you didnt use reversals and try to help out here.

1. Id prob agree.. Your feelings are unyielding at this point. But the emperor sometimes seems more appealing than he is in reality.

2. Pents are earthly and very much in the physical here and now. If he sees you as queen he may find you appealing, mature for your age, or yes..mothering. If you give him material objects (candy) it could be almost a "sugar mama" roll, no pun intended.

3. Justice is a card of karmic balance, but for me in love its never really been a good thing personally. Again a sort of be careful what you wish for. Sometimes what we think we deserve and what we get are two vastly different things.

4. This queen is vastly different from how he sees you. She is calculating and logical as opposed to grounded and earthly. But the question itself is sort of loaded... Is this the best way to act around him to gwt him to like you? Well it seems he already does like you on some level. How much are you willing to change who you are to get this guy?

5. Magician for me has always been tricky in essence. Its shown up for charismatic men that may be hiding some aspect of themselves, or just deceptive as a person. Id advise keeping your eyes open and aware.

6. This card shows me a labor of love. If you invest the necessary work you may get what you want from this relationship. But it wont be fast or easy. Think long and hard about potebtial sacrifices you may have to make.

As a note i didnt notice any cups or wands which would point out a better chance of romance or chemisty to me. Pentacles have always showed up for me in a more platonic way, but we all have differemt experiences and styles. Best of luck hun