3 of Wands clarified by 5 of Cups


One thing I'd like add: Asking the cards for help is like asking your mobile phone to show you a map. It tells you where you are, and how to get where you are going. But you are the one in the driver's seat. The cards can't get you to your destination. Only you can get yourself there.

...But whatever you conclude is the message of these cards, please avoid the trap of doing reading after reading on this relationship in the hopes that one of those readings will tell you that everything has been magically fixed. The job of the cards is to give you information so you can take appropriate action and get what you want, not to addict you to readings :)

This is crazy accurate. I try to tell people, the cards are just warnings and might-be's. You CAN change the outcome if you think smart whenever it happens! This needs to be in the insert of EVERY deck! SERIOUSLY!



What are your favorite spreads regarding relationship advice? Relationships tend to be the topic of the readings I do for myself, however I try to space them out because if I don't, I know I will become obsessive! Do you agree that one should ask "tell me more" rather than for clarification when adding an extra card to a position in the spread?



What are your favorite spreads regarding relationship advice? Relationships tend to be the topic of the readings I do for myself, however I try to space them out because if I don't, I know I will become obsessive! Do you agree that one should ask "tell me more" rather than for clarification when adding an extra card to a position in the spread?

Yeeeah, uuhhmm,... I hate spreads. I only use three:

Celtic Cross
The Traditional Relationship Spread (Go to http://astrology.com.au to see what I mean by this!)
And the 3-card draw.

Sometimes I just pull and let the cards tell the story and I group'em as I read. I've been accurate so far doing this and people love it. I'm able to use the cards in a fluid manner and float them towards each other relating to each other in the reading and use a picture with the reading. Spreads make me feel confined. I move my cards around and ask my sitters to understand what I'm saying when I'm moving them around on the table.

Told you: I don't do like others. I just go with the flow with how I'm feeling while I'm reading, smh,... LOL! <3


Uhm, I talk to my cards like people. You will hear me say things like, "Stop playing. Y'all know what I meant." Ctfu! LOL! Then they'll act right, or, they'll get an attitude back and give me the 4 of Swords or 10 of Swords! SO RUDE! LOL! The whole deck acts as a person! You shall see as you read! :) :-D


Did a relationship spread regarding my efforts to reboot a deep relationship I used to have.

I got 3 of Wands clarified by 5 of Cups in the position of "where the other person stands." These cards are solely about her position/possible thoughts on the situation. I have come to 2 possible interpretations but I would like more insight.

I see 3 of wands as representative of her waiting for me to respond to what I perceive as her mixed signals. Basically she is allowing me to have control over what happens next. Followed by the 5 of cups, she misses me and is hoping that I take the opportunity to show continued interest in developing our relationship, as I am the one who reached out first after so much time.

However, I can also see it as meaning that she is looking for something else entirely and has been disappointed to the extent of having no interest in my next attempts at outreach. Basically, my interpretations are either extremely optimistic or very pessimistic. Please provide more insight with your interpretations of this combo.

Hi Leviosa :)

Well, I'm going to say that the cards aren't so black and white as pessimistic vs. optimistic in this case, though I am more likely to agree with your optimistic interpretation. :) I do see the 3 of Wands as her waiting, but also a sort of cautious waiting - she is waiting to see what you will do next, as you had said in your original interpretation of the reading. I am not sure I can comment on the mixed signals aspect, as I imagine that might have something to do with other card/s from the reading - but in general the 3 of Wands definitely embodies waiting, at least to me. However I also tend to interpret the 3 of Wands as waiting in the sense that an action has already been taken (transition from the static 2 of Wands to the moving 3 of Wands), presumably by her in this case. I sort of see this card like her saying, "Well, the ball's in your court" - basically just waiting for your next move based on her initial response.

As for the 5 of Cups, I see it as showing a deep inner conflict in this person, in that they are very hurt emotionally by something that happened in the past, but conflicted because they also remember "the good old days" and aren't really sure which direction to lean to when it comes to re-establishing a relationship with you. In addition to the 3 of Wands, the 5 of Cups seems to be saying that this person's feelings/emotions/decision is still in a state of flux that could potentially be swayed into either direction depending on your response to her/your next move. I'm imagining that this person needs a deep emotional healing from you, in order to re-establish and re-build trust before moving on into the kind of relationship that you had before. But the good news is (at least as I see it by these cards,) all hope is not lost for the restoration of this relationship... it will just require a lot of work to be put in on both ends. :)


Hi Leviosa :)

I'm imagining that this person needs a deep emotional healing from you, in order to re-establish and re-build trust before moving on into the kind of relationship that you had before. But the good news is (at least as I see it by these cards,) all hope is not lost for the restoration of this relationship... it will just require a lot of work to be put in on both ends. :)

Thank you for offering a different perspective in your interpretation. Seeing the good old days vs. the current situation wasn't something I considered.