The Fool representing suicide?


Please tell more about how numerologically 63 represents suicide!?! The 9 of Swords can be a card of despair, which certainly could lead to suicide.


Ive never thought of the fool as suicidal but come to think of it now it does make sense that it could represent suicide (standing on the cliff edge) etc.
I pull this card a lot for my ex, who can be careless, wreckless and at times suicidal.

Gloria Jean

I would look to surrounding cards for a clue if I got that impression. The five of cups, the three of swords, the ten of swords etc. I probably would not suspect thoughts of suicide if it was just the one card.

But the fool reversed might be interpreted to mean someone who is careless and self destructive, which is suicidal in an unconscious reckless way. A reversed fool and the tower might indicate a accident caused by being reckless.


I recently pulled the Fool as a single card just to see what was coming up in my life. Reading all the meanings out there, mostly was about new beginnings, feeling free and embarking on a new adventure etc. Great! However, during the week I had a run in with a co worker over something that had nothing to do with me, felt incredibly annoyed and irritated over it. A few other things followed and at one point I said to someone - I feel like I'm on the edge, just one more thing will tip me over! I then had the image of the Fool in my mind and the fact that he is also on the edge. I revisited the card and took into consideration that this could be a warning to stop and take a breath, which is what the little dog is maybe trying to tell you to do. I have in the past got to the end of my tether and have thrown in a job, finished a friendship, in fact, just said to hell with everything and walked away, never looking back. I felt very close to the edge this time and felt a familiar pattern emerging and I did actually stop and think about what I would do to myself and my life if I followed this old pattern of behavior. I knew I would be making a huge mistake, so instead I talked to someone ( the little dog ) and felt a lot better as they sympathised with my viewpoints. Not quite the new beginnings or happy carefree travels as most of the Fool meanings are, but it has given me another perspective on this card. Has anyone else had a different meaning of the Fool, rather than the usual ones? Would love to hear, thanks


Has anybody had the Fool card represent thoughts about suicide? Recently, this card came up in a reading, and it struck me as an intention about suicide. All I could feel was, "Oh, don't jump...." It was in a Past position, so nobody jumped (thankfully) but obviously had been thinking suicidal thoughts. It was surprising and disturbing!

No, but it does make a lit if sence. Since each card can represent either the absence or the presence if the energy it portrays, and The Fool is about that total knd of faith in life. ...then The Fool could repeesent having no more faith in life.



I think I can see how the Fool can represent suicide. The Fool is completely in the moment. He doesn't think of the future, what will happen as a result of his actions. He is even very peaceful and happy in the moment.
Somebody who is about to commit suicide would be in the same state of mind. They don't think of the outcome, only what is happening right now. Sometimes once somebody has made the decision to commit suicide they are almost "euphoric" because they've made the decision and they feel relieved that their pain will be gone. So I don't necessarily think that it can only represent an impulsive suicide. I can see how it can represent a planned one. The Fool is in the moment and made this decision without any thought of the aftermath and is completely, blissfully happy with the decision. I think it would really depend on the other cards in the spread, but that's my take on it.


There is an interpretation of the Fool (esp rx, actually ) as madness or folly, acting in an extreme way, maybe out of control and unaware of the extreme it makes sense that that could include suicide....


I never had read the Fool in this way, something to ponder over.


I think I can see how the Fool can represent suicide. The Fool is completely in the moment. He doesn't think of the future, what will happen as a result of his actions. He is even very peaceful and happy in the moment.
Somebody who is about to commit suicide would be in the same state of mind. They don't think of the outcome, only what is happening right now. Sometimes once somebody has made the decision to commit suicide they are almost "euphoric" because they've made the decision and they feel relieved that their pain will be gone. So I don't necessarily think that it can only represent an impulsive suicide. I can see how it can represent a planned one. The Fool is in the moment and made this decision without any thought of the aftermath and is completely, blissfully happy with the decision. I think it would really depend on the other cards in the spread, but that's my take on it.

i completely agree about the fool/fool rx representing suicide in the sense of Freedom, optimism, going on new journey; "the burden has lifted",peace, hope....when such person has made a conscious choice to actually follow through with the act (suicide being the vehicle to achieve peace ) - rather than a not thought out/impulsive attempt where the person does not really want to die.

As mentioned above, I can see how someone may become euphoric. (interestingly enough, i have heard that there is more of a risk of suicide when someone who is severely depressed begins taking antidepressants that lift the depressive state/allows motivation to be brought forth to carry out the suicide act representing to them as 'hope' (albeit a distorted version in society's eyes); giving them the motivation to do it since now there is at least some hope, rather than their non-functioning,/can't get out of bed prior state.

I have personally seen The Hanged Man with Fool Rx, judgment, and 6 of cups rx in one reading i did for a coworker whose sibling had committed such at a young age.

I apologize for my broken sentences/stream of consciousness-type sentence structure. i hope to become more precise and articulate in my posts in the future. Although this is my first time posting, I have visited and been a fan of aeclectic and tarotforum for years and especially love to read posts by Thirteen and Wales Woman who I find to be adept at explaining and teaching people the meanings and interrelationships between the cards.


Wow ive never considered the fool to represent suicidal thoughts or urges!
But i can really see how that would apply. If i had to interpret the fool for why someone had these suicidal tendencies or thoughts?
need for freedom and liberation(unstable and potentially dangerous need!)
action without thought of consequences
a need to escape
to just dive into a decision almost in blissful ignorance
the fool has always been one of those cards where personally i thought this is a great card but can easily go badly in a breath if you dont think or have a grounded plan or outline.
by the way ive seen the fool come up to explain someones addictive behavior