Death Card for Level of Interest


Hi guys,

What do you think death could mean in terms of someone's level of interest in pursuing a long term relationship with you?

I'm interested in this guy but unfortunately we really hit it off right before I moved to a new country... I'm guessing death here means something physically (me moving back permanently) would need to change for him to consider it.

What do you think?


I agree with your interpretation more or less. Death means change, typically from something ending, but it is not inherently good or bad. Looking at it from the perspective or someone's interest in pursuing a relationship I would take it that they are not too interested in pursuing the relationship because they see it as a dead end due to your moving away. So yes, logically, you probably would need to make a change in order for him to seriously even begin to consider this a relationship as an option, although I think the change indicated by the card would be more indicative of you moving away because your question was about his thoughts about the relationship and not advice for what you should do.


Thank you SuperSirius. I think you're right, maybe death just symbolizes the potential ending with me moving...


You wouldnt be asking if you didnt feel it important would you? Ring him he may visit

Did he say to you goodbye???


You wouldnt be asking if you didng feel it importsnt would you? Ring him he may visit


Sorry t say, I'd see this as the death of the interest that had been.


Sorry t say, I'd see this as the death of the interest that had been.

Unfortunately that is how I would see it too. If the question was about his level of interest, it would say to me that his interest has "died", ended.



Same here. I see Death as no interest at all. Sorry.


Although the Death card has been said to indicate change and not literal death, I think people tend to be too hopeful when they see it and they make the "change" aspect into something that's more like the meaning of the Wheel.

Think about literal death. When someone dies, they're gone. They aren't going to exist again (unless you believe in reincarnation like I do). Flowers may grow on the grave and some of their atoms and cells are in those flowers. And their memory will live on. Their passion and spirit can live on in others and their children, if any. But these are the kinds of change the Death card indicates.

You'll live on in his memory, I'm sure, but he's not interested in a more long-lasting relationship. Illustrated by the Death card, the answer to the question about his level of interest is that there isn't any. What might have been there is no longer there with you in another country.