

Hello,i have the book 777,with geomatria,and the color scales are different for each suite,does anyone know how to correlate these in a reading,thanks



The majors use a (predominant?) colour corresponding to the Book 777 Kabbalistic colour scale for the Paths between Sephiroth (table numbers 11 to 31). This seems to be (logically but arbitrarily) allocated as the "kings" (knights) scale: Fool, Magus, H-P, Empress etc. being: Bright pale yellow, Yellow, Blue, Emerald Green etc., resp.

The minors use all Four (kings, queens, prince, princess) colour scale sets for the Sephiroth themselves (table numbers 1 thru 10) and for Wands, Cups, Swords, Disks in order. E.g., Two Wands onwards being: Pure soft blue, Crimson, Deep violet etc.

Now, does it all MEAN anything, other than a consistent (though one senses with Frieda's artistic license!) colour scheme? Aye, therein lies the rub! Functionally, I'd suggest... Not a lot? ;)

Goemantic figures do e.g. seem to have been used to arrange elements on some of the minors - I guess one'd need the handbook 777 cites?

Macavity (who'd like to know too!)


i always felt that 777 was a footnote to a book i didn't have! :confused: ;)

i'm not sure how much 'artistic license' Lady Frieda had though. while i would never negate her influence in this deck, i can't help but see AC as the brutal task master hovering over her with a whip screaming "No, i said periwinkle!"



You might enjoy: - The "Correspondence between Aleister Crowley and Frieda Harris" (mostly regarding the Thoth tarot designs).

At it again tomorrow. Have you ever realized how much I have given up for this work? Everything I possess now I am become a nothing in a wilderness.

Yours very tired

F. H.

One gets the impression that here was a sometimes very frustrated woman saying with period politeness: "For (expletives) sake Aleister, What DO you want!" :laugh:

Macavity - Who suspects both Waite and Crowley would still be "thinking about it" without their respective "Artists Executant"? })


what a great site, and thank you for bringing it to my attention.
and it does nothing to dissuade my opinion of the man, neither good OR bad.

Nature is not the grocer weighing out a pound of sugar; it is the compensation of complicated rhythms. I should like you to feel that every adjustment was a grande passion; compensation should be a festival, not a clerk smugly pleased that his accounts are correct.


But this is metaphysics and not art; all these half-sexed, half-witted people, sicklied o'er with the pale caste of thought, I cannot believe that any of them will ever command either the Exeter, the Ajax or the Achilles, and any man who is not potentially capable of doing that, is not a man at all; he may be some kind of pudding, and I hold no brief against puddings, but all these people who resent simplicity resent manhood, they weave their own onanistic web of nastiness; these are the shells cast off from the Tree of Life, these are the larvea of abomination. It has been your evil fortune to have far too much to do with such people...

what a prick!
his unabashed arrogance on full display here, i think (but oh how i wish he could come over for dinner! ;) ).



Colors can provide critical keys to unlock subconcious associations. They are not something that have to be expressed in a rational verbal manner.
The colors described in 777 and incorporated into Thoth have time honored associations with the chains of phenomena detailed in 777.
But what you do with them is up to you.
Obviously, your society has conditioned you to respond one way when you see a green traffic light and another when you see a red one. You don't necessarily process that information in an itnellectual manner when you see one or another you simply react.
Color in art, color in divination works the same way.
It's about trusting yourself and going with the flow.
Don't put yourself in the position of the idiot who plants a bomb and for the first time in his life ponders what intellectual processes are involved in putting one foot in front of the other!
Enjoy the colors. See what associations come to mind.
You can read all the divination manuals in the world, but until you learn to experience the cards directly without censorship or agony, you're not going to be a true diviner.
So, yes, the colors are there for valid reasons, but you're the one who ultimately provides them with a filter in the course of a reading.


Greetings .
I think depending on your knowledge of Colour this may (colour )your judgement!

Most decks use pigments i think based on pantone colour scales (a book containing colour plates with a number of hues and shades ),many artists use this ,available from most paint stores
Most computer programmes ie: photoshop , use these pantone colours in graphic design.

I agree about how colour psychologically effects our views .

I understand decks like the Rider -waite deck have whats called elemental colour arrangements.Useful for grasping how a colour like Red can appear in a reading as powerful -energetic firey
Blue as emotive receptive watery etc.and the reaction they bring up in you thats the purpose .To allow your mind to move in particular directions when these associations come up

Decks like The Tahuti deck take this use of colour to the initiated next level but in saying that, the individual can derive immense satisfaction from this deck and others i think without all the mnemonics that coluor scales provide.depending on your abilities so will your understanding reflect this when using colour in your readings


Rusty Neon

Interesting trivia from Lon Milo Duquette's book on the Crowley deck (p. 66) about the the Golden Dawn Four Colour Scales colours listed in Crowley's _Book of Thoth_ but equally applicable to the ones listed in the GD manuscripts:

"The very specific names for many of them were unromantically lifted directly from the labels of tubes of Winsor and Newton water colours (Designers Gouache series) which were popular with Victorian artists and are still available from W & N today."