Reversed cards?


Some poeple seem to use the Thoth with reversed cards as well... I haven't done so because the cards are not reversible.

Do you use them reversed and if so, how do you do this? What I mean is that because the back of the card shows clearly whether the card is reversed or not, it is hard to stay neutral when picking up the cards....


i've never used reversals with my thoth (i use a bit of elemental dignities: but i do use reversals with my other actually depends on your preferences...nothing is wrong or right in learning the tarot...


Thea Lynx

Hi Aure,

I too was confused about reversals with the Thoth because none of the books I looked at seemed to address them. From Ziegler's Mirror of the soul I seemed to pick up that the full range of meaning needed to be considered as each card in a spread was looked in relation to the other cards.

I had also read something about "dignities" that made no sense at all.

But then I started working with Courtney Davis/Helena Paterson Celtic Tarot and in the book for that deck, the use of dignified and ill-dignified cards was explained and actually made sense. Basically it says "...a favourable or unfavourable card always remains true to its symbolism, but it can be displaced or held in check if the card drawn next to it has an opposite principle. The position of the cards clarifies this point." Wands and Cups are regarded as mostly optimistic and Swords are corrective/negative and Pentacles mostly materialistic/fundamental issues. It didn't make a whole lot of sense until i put it into practice - but it felt right wtih my Celtic deck. I am back working with a Rider style deck this week, and dignities doesn't feel right with it, so I think I will reserve that tool for my Thoth style decks.

Thea Lynx