Three card reading

Miss Woo

Three card reading with the Soprafino, Il Meneghello deck.

Question: Will I find my ideal partner?

9 of Wands
The Sun
Ace of Coins

Base: 4 of Swords
Quint: Wheel of Fortune


My interpretation:

I think this has turned out to be a past, present, future reading because I can relate to the 9 of Wands as something that has happened recently (it happened yesterday). I made a decision to end a friendship because I found it too difficult.

The Sun card depicts a man and a woman lovingly gazing at one another in a beautifully manicured garden. The sun is beaming down upon them. They look oblivious to everything except each other. One of the meanings of the card is 'partnership'.

Hmm, perhaps this isn't a past, present, future reading after all? This looks more like my goal, and what I'm looking for, and that is clearly not here now.

The Ace of Coins is about material, practical stuff... So maybe it's suggesting that I take a practical approach? I would like it to mean that 'something will happen in reality' or I' will meet someone rich' but that is just wishful thinking.

The only promising-looking card is The Sun and that can't be about the present.

Oh, I forgot the Base and the Quint cards.

The Four of Swords is about restrictions - that's probably just how I feel now because things aren't going anywhere.

With the Quint card, the Wheel of Fortune, I'm hoping this means that it's my destiny to find my ideal partner but I've had such bad luck lately that I doubt it.

A bummer of a read really.


Personally, I don't see this spread as gloomy at all. :) Let's see.

Base: 4 of Swords

This card made me think that you might be too impatient about this question. Your mind has an exact scenario ready, and it's getting worried and frustrated when this scenario doesn't seem to be working as planned - and soon! :)

9 of Wands
The Sun
Ace of Coins

Great cards, in my view. First, you put out your intention to find a suitable partner (9 of Wands). Next, you enjoy thinking about it and let go of the impatient need to have everything done yesterday (Sun). Note how the people in the card are happy and carefree - that's the spirit. You're already there, it'll just take time to manifest visibly (Ace of Coins).

Quint: Wheel of Fortune
Let the Universe do its thing. Keep enjoying your life as it is, on your own so far (9 of Wands), and before you know it, things will start happening (Ace of Coins). But you need to allow that space and time to make that turn. It could take a few months or a few years, depending on how persistent you are about your dream, - but in my experience it never fails unless you give up.

Hope this helps. :)

Miss Woo

Personally, I don't see this spread as gloomy at all. :) Let's see.

Base: 4 of Swords

This card made me think that you might be too impatient about this question. Your mind has an exact scenario ready, and it's getting worried and frustrated when this scenario doesn't seem to be working as planned - and soon! :)

9 of Wands
The Sun
Ace of Coins

Great cards, in my view. First, you put out your intention to find a suitable partner (9 of Wands). Next, you enjoy thinking about it and let go of the impatient need to have everything done yesterday (Sun). Note how the people in the card are happy and carefree - that's the spirit. You're already there, it'll just take time to manifest visibly (Ace of Coins).

Quint: Wheel of Fortune
Let the Universe do its thing. Keep enjoying your life as it is, on your own so far (9 of Wands), and before you know it, things will start happening (Ace of Coins). But you need to allow that space and time to make that turn. It could take a few months or a few years, depending on how persistent you are about your dream, - but in my experience it never fails unless you give up.

Hope this helps. :)

Oh thank you, this was so helpful! I think I was just in a very negative state of mind when I did this reading.

Yes, that is exactly what has been happening - what you described with the Four of Swords. I've been so impatient with this, and I've been letting it drive me crazy LOL. Yes, I want it all NOW LOL.

I really like your interpretation of The Sun card and I agree - the people are so relaxed and carefree. It actually looks light and joyful.

That's how I want it to be I can be so intense at times. I had a paid reading with a Tarot reader about six months ago and she described how I would meet someone, and she said for a while it would be casual and light before it develops into something deeper. And I felt like saying "You obviously don't know me lady - there is nothing casual about me LOL". I just don't do 'casual and light'.

Ohhh, I get it, thank you - the Ace of Coins makes sense (it will just take time to manifest). I always have trouble interpreting this card with love/relationship questions.

Ahhh, I feel so much better now! I can just relax and let it happen! Thank you so much for taking the time to help me with this reading. Your insights have been very accurate and so helpful and reassuring!

Merry Christmas! :) :love: :party:

Miss Woo

Oh sorry, I forgot to comment on this part:

Quint: Wheel of Fortune
Let the Universe do its thing. Keep enjoying your life as it is, on your own so far (9 of Wands), and before you know it, things will start happening (Ace of Coins). But you need to allow that space and time to make that turn. It could take a few months or a few years, depending on how persistent you are about your dream, - but in my experience it never fails unless you give up.

Yes, I agree - I will just have to trust the Universe to do its own thing. This is very good advice here, especially the bolded part. Thank you so much! :) :love:


I'm glad it helps. Merry Christmas to you, and keep your spirit up! :D :party: :D