Historic Decks Timeline


Some dates for other Etteillas decks from "A Wicked Pack of Cards" by Decker, Depaulis & Dummet (1996)

1843 Grand Etteilla - Le jeu de la Princesse Tarot (Wattilliaux)

1838 Grand Etteilla II (Lismon) first printed in the book "Grand Livre de Thot"

about 1865 Grand Etteilla III - Grand Jeu de l'oracle des Dames (Regamey)

These decks are important:
1909 Le Tarot Divinatoire (Papus),

1880 Tarot Italien (Arnoult-Lequart)
1891 Tarot Italien (Arnoult-Grimaud)
1930 Ancien Tarot de Marseille (Marteau-Grimaud)


Historic decks timeline: Help me build one!

By snooping around here and other random places, I have come up with a list of decks published up to 1909, including early esoteric decks.

(This project started with me wondering what decks would have been around in the Napoleonic era, the years of Jane Austen and Jonathan Strange. :cool: But it started to take on a life of its own!)

Please, please give me corrections and additions! There are decks at the end of the list for which I don't have the date. (I'm really curious about a date for the 1JJ Swiss . . . )

Here's the list: please give me corrections and additions!

Historic Decks Timeline

1442 Cary-Yale Visconti
1451 Pierpont-Morgan Bergamo Visconti
1460 I Tarocchi del Mantegna
1463 Brera-Brambilla Visconti
1491 Sola Busca
1634 Tarocco Bolognese de G.M. Mitelli 1634-1718
1650 Noblet
1650 Vieville
1701 Dodal
1709 Madenie
1713 Jean Pierre Payen, in Avignon
1718 Heri
1725 Minchiate Etruria
1727 Jean François Tourcaty, in Marseille
1730 François Heri (Tarot de Besancon Pattern) , in Soleure/Solothurn, Switzerland
1736 Chosson
1742 Pierre Cheminade, in Serratello
1751 Burdel
1760 Conver
1780 Ancient Tarot of Bologna
1780 Flamand, Vandendorre Bacchus
1789 Grand Etteilla (Etteilla I)
1804 Tarocco di Marsiglia Swizzera
1810 Ancient Tarot of Lombardy, Neoclassico
1830 Epinal
1830 Tarocco Della Rocca F Gumppemberg Milano
1835 Soprafino, Classic Tarot
1840 Tarocco di 78 carte F. Gumppenberg Milano
1843 Etteilla, Jeu de la Princesse Tarot
1845 Tarocco Italiano Fabbrica Dotti Milano
1850 Gioco Di Tarocchi Italiano Milano, 1850
1860 Ancient Tarot of Liguria-Piedmont
1863 Grand Tarot Belline???
1865 Book of Thoth Etteilla, LS (Etteilla III)
1880s Ancient Italian (copy of Soprafino)
1880 Tarocchino Milanese A Doppia Figura
1880 Tarocco Lombardo Milan
1889 Oswald Wirth’s Les 22 Arcanes du Tarot Kabbalistique
1893 Vacchetta, Tarot of the Master
1895 22 Archani
1896 Falconnier/Wegener Egyptian deck
1909 Rider Waite Smith

Tarot de Paris
1JJ Swiss
Etteilla II?

Some call it a timeline... others call it a shopping list :)


1906 (or 1903?): the "Tarot Catalán", also called the "Egiziano" (Egyptian Tarot), by Dr. Moorne (Francisco Moreno) and as used to illustrate his companion book "El supremo arte de echar las cartas" . Not sure about the deck but the book was published by Pueyo, Milan. It is possibly earlier, as Pueyo also published another Tarot book by Dr. Moorne in 1903 -- but I haven't been able to see it and check if it is the same or refers to the same deck.

It is an Etteilla style deck, with cards numbered 1 to 78, with a tableau on cards 1-21 & 78 from the Etteilla Type III, and inserts on the left hand side with a unique set of Hebrew letter attributions* and pseudo "hieroglyphics". The pip cards include inserts showing corresponding Catalan and French style suits. There are upright and reverse titles and DM's on the cards. Historically it is the first tarot to be published in Spain of which we have a record. The deck and Dr. Moorne's book form the basis of a very popular tradition in Spain, Portugal and S. America. It is sometimes referenced online as being c. 1900 or (most usually on ebay) as c. 1895, but the earliest reference to it I have found is in the book of Dr. Moorne, 1906 (but possibly also in his 1903 book, which I haven't seen).

Some date it as early as 1890, for reasons I am unaware of, and say it was manufactured by the card manufacturer Guarro (Barcelona). The reason for suggesting Guarro is because the Catalan style suit inserts in the top left hand box of the pip & court cards are the same as those produced by Guarro.

*note: Etteilla did not himself make Hebrew letter attributions. Moorne attributes them in sequential order Aleph to Shin to cards 1 -21, and Tau to 78. As the Etteilla trumps are renamed and reordered this results in a unique set of attributions.


1909 Eudes Picard's tarot with illustrated pips, french counterpart of the RWS


Thank you everyone! Such great information! I updated the first post.

Looks like 1909 was quite the year for tarot, huh?


Thank you so much for doing this list. What a great resource.

You have very specific dates for the earliest decks and to my understanding these aren't known exactly. I suggest adding an asterick after all dates that are a "best educated guess" or list these dates as a range of possibility. It's helpful to a researcher to learn what items are known for sure and which ones still have some questions regarding exact dates.


You have very specific dates for the earliest decks and to my understanding these aren't known exactly. I suggest adding an asterick after all dates that are a "best educated guess" or list these dates as a range of possibility. It's helpful to a researcher to learn what items are known for sure and which ones still have some questions regarding exact dates.

+ + + for this.

I would add that the dating of historical deck can also be a very controverse field.
So giving the sources of the informations is always a good idea.

1600 -1650 The Tarot of Paris (Rachelcat expressly asks for this deck) is usually considered being from the first half of the 17th century ("Tarot, Jeu et Magie" 1984, Catalog from the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris, written by Thierry Depaulis)
But there is also a quite extensive research on the Tarot of Paris that leads to 1559 as date of production.

I write this information as an example to illustrate that it is not easy to give a precise date for historical decks.