I know there's something going on...


(Anyone remember that song by ABBA's Frida? The title made me think of the name for this spread.)

And don't all of us know that feeling - there is something going on, that indistinct distinct feeling of dread, something is coming, something is going on, but WHAT?!

So thinking of a friend that recently approached me with that feeling, the song popped in my head and I suddenly thought one could design a spread for that.

Not sure it exists already, but if it is, here's my version of it.

I tried to keep it simple and quick, 5 cards:




Where card 1, at the center, would be "the issue" - trouble, problem - or something good?

Cards 2-5 would tell us which direction it is coming from.

Card 2: family / home?
Card 3: work / money?
Card 4: friends / colleagues?
Card 5: outside world / nature?

Of course one could add more cards to put around the center to indicate other aspects of life, like "my pastime" - or rename them to fit one's personal situation, for example instead of "family" one could say "partner" or "love interest"....

Anyone thinks this could be useful? Want to try it out for me?

Thanks for your feedback and input....


Well the spread itself works very good. Now my reading on the other hand leaves alot to be desired! For card one, I got The Tower, and for card five, I got Death. I really hope that my reading was just a bad throw and there isn't going to be a terrible world event.


Thanks for trying it out, Azarial!

DID you have that feeling of dread then? Even if not, i am not actually surprised to see the cards you pulled, because I think the world as we know it is going to be made to crash down around us - I am not going to say more, or they'll ban us into the socio-political forum ;)


Yes, I've been getting it off and on for about two months now. I just never could put a finger on what it was.



well... let's see what happens!


Are you going to post the reading in Your Readings Azarial ? It would be interesting to see what the middle cards were.


I would, if I would have saved the reading. But I'm an idiot! I wonder if I would get something similiar again if I were to redo the reading. I will test that theory out.


Azarial said:
Yes, I've been getting it off and on for about two months now. I just never could put a finger on what it was.

Do you think it very interesting that there has been such chaos in the World's
(Going thro' spreads and thought I would bump this)