Dating the Emperor

Ruby Jewel

I recently wrote that I'm married to the Emperor. I was specifically referring to the Dreaming Way tarot interpretation, but this is the crux:

"It looks like he has a lot on his mind. In fact, I recognise the beard-stroking and far-away stare because my husband does it too (he's not so nattily-dressed, though). He usually has that look when he's thinking about his responsibilities and how he has to take care of everything and everyone. He takes it very seriously. He'll say it's not that he doesn't trust anyone else to do it (it's exactly that), it's just that he likes to know it's done right. There are 'i's to dot and 't's to cross and if he does it, it will be done exactly right and ahead of time. Just like his tax return.

When I say 'taking care of' people, be clear that I am not talking about their emotions or feelings. Those are not his domain. 'Taking care of' means the bills are paid, everyone has everything they need, and there are savings in the bank. Things have to run smoothly and to order. Order is so important to him - you have to be organised when everyone is relying on you, you know. He works better alone - and at arm's length - and takes care of things in his own way. That's why The Emperor is sitting alone amongst the flowers at the side of the road. It's peaceful and there is no one to distract him.

In short, The Emperor is an organised leader, a business man, he's capable and conservative, and he's a father figure - stable and reliable, just like the tree that portrays him in The Wild Unknown."

To specifically answer your question, as a Sharla indicated, this man doesn't want a pushover - he needs to respect his partner - and doesn't like someone who is clingy, possessive or tries to stifle him or hold him too close. He wants to provide and will take that very seriously but he'll expect that his partner upholds their end of the bargain too, by being supportive, willing to be taken care of, not needing too much emotional input and giving him space.

I hope this is helpful.

Great description here. Sounds like a Taurus, too. Or maybe a Capricorn. Don't know why they gave this to Aries because I'm an Aries and I have to fight the self-centeredness, but I'm real good at knocking down the tower.