Gilded ~ 6 of Cups


I would like to open a discussion of the GT 6 of Cups. This card came up in my 3 card spread today and it's the first time I've thrown this card.

The cat in the foreground, according to the companion book by Barbara Moore, symbolizes the present, so the scene behind the cat, is from the past. With this being a cup suit, we know that we are dealing with emotions from the past. Past memories that may need to be dealt with.

I am still very novice and look forward to reading your thoughts on this card!


The children on this card are carefree. They don't have many worries. The rabbit seems to indicate a period of happiness (as if this scene had repeated itself many times).

If this scene represent the past, I would say it would deal with emotions about lost of innocence, a cherished memory that won't be lived again, a time where all seems to go well but that is no more... No really big negative emotions (like violent emotions).

This card is really representing what is good in childhood!

Rhiannon SW

I thought that this card was about remembering the past carefree times but the cat is there to remind us that we must not stay in the past. Again I see a balancing theme of remembering the good times but being able to move on with life in the present.


I drew this card recently in a reading for myself and was really overcome by the boy in the card. Like the cat in the foreground he is looking straight out at you. I really felt like he was trying to say something. It seems like he is part of the 'childhood' and 'past' scene but also connected to the present. I am not sure what to make of it.

Has anyone else noticed or experienced this with this card?


I sometimes read this card as meaning not to dwell too much in the past. And sometimes I read it as the possibility that they might hear from someone from their past. It may also mean something from family dynamics in their childhood, either positive or negative, and the cat means to me that the querent needs to keep their focus on the present and be alert to the ways the past might negatively or positively affect the present.

It would always vary for me, though, and sometimes might not mean any of those things I've mentioned above.

Mystic Leo

Yes, an interesting card and I guess the reading would have to do with the surrounding cards....the boy is looking out, he also has a strange look in his eyes, and what is he holding it a toad, or a frog or.....


Mystic Leo said:
Yes, an interesting card and I guess the reading would have to do with the surrounding cards....the boy is looking out, he also has a strange look in his eyes, and what is he holding it a toad, or a frog or.....
I'm glad you said this, because the boy in the card bothers me a lot. I thought it was a frog that he was holding. The boy looks quite mischevious to me sometimes and that he is far from "innocent". I question his motives.

Like I said in my previous post, it has appeared like he has something to say only I have never been able to get to the bottom of just what that is. :(


I was looking at this card tonight, trying to study it a bit. I see as well about the boy's face. It's an adults eyes on a child's face. "The child maketh the man" is a well known phrase that could apply here.

I don't really like this card, it suggests to me a lot of childhood stuff that has still not been dealt with and is affecting the present.


Since there are two parts to childhood memories, those that were happy and those that weren't, is it possible that the girl represents the happiness and innocence of childhood while the boy perhaps represents a bit of the mischievious parts leading to lost innocence? Both children are necessary to form a complete picture of childhood, of innocence and of innocence lost.


I feel like the girl represents childhood happiness and fun and the boy represents childhood trouble and woes. The cat is mysterious and sneaky as he/she hides in the grass (hiding something from the past?) The rabbit looks at ease, not frightened to be sitting with the girl (happy with past choices?), whereas the frog/toad looks like it's trying to get away (escaping from the past perhaps?) The cups to me represent happiness/abundance in many ways due to the many different colours of the flowers aswell as the way they overflow from the cups.
Just my thoughts :)