

I had to laugh a bit at the fact that this Chicago convenience store stocks both Sedona and Circle magazine. The pagan and spiritual community has to be pretty high in that part of town.


I'm on ep.7 now and they are really delving into the individual characters story's now and linking them together. No spoilers don't worry lol and I'm loving the whole concept that individual energies are linked and shared without us necessarily being aware of how and why.


I've just reached episode 7 and I absolutely love it! It's also interesting to see how, as I am completely enthralled in the storyline, I'm noticing other people I know watching it can't grasp the concepts of what is happening. Is there something to this?

Laura Borealis

I think we're probably more open to the concepts than the average viewer, maybe? And like Teheuti was saying, a lot of people seem to be missing the empathy aspect.


Perhaps Tarot readers understand the story line better because over 70% of us fall into the Intravert-Intuitive category of the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory?? The story seems to be made just for us!


On the way to the movies today, I was trying to explain this series to my daughter. When we got there, they were running all the little clips/commercials they do before the previews, and they showed sense8! I was so glad she saw it because I know I wasn't making it sound as good as it is lol

I finished watching this season last night. Hope there will be a second season.


I love this show. For those on the fence about picking it up, episode 4 is when the season hits its stride, and all the ideas start coming together.