The Horses


The knight of Cup & Pentacles go to the right
The knight of Wands & Swords go to the left

Sun, Death & 6 of Wands,
why are these horses going to the left? Is there a reason for this? We have 5 horses facing to the left & only 2 horses to the right.

Sorry if I missed a horse somewhere! lol

Rusty Neon

ros said:
The knight of Cup & Pentacles go to the right
The knight of Wands & Swords go to the left

The directions of three of these knight's horses correspond with directions of the respective Tarot of Marseille knight's horses. The one that doesn't is the horse of the Knight of Cups -- That's the intriguing difference! Mind you the TdM Knight of Batons is intriguing too: he and his horse are placed facing towards the left, but have their heads tilted towards the right.


just a thought

It just struck me as I read this, that perhaps that's what direction their energy flows.....north, south, east or west!

Mystic Zyl

Left is cause, it sends out. Right is effect when it receives.