A plea to deck creators


I would have liked to put this in creation, but as I am not creating anything....

I have just received another lovely self-published deck - in a beautiful wrapper - GLUED shut, so that I cannot open it without destroying it. This one is the "worst" yet; more often it is just gorgeous stickers. YES, of course I do the slit with razorblade thing; I just have - but even then, the lovely wrapping ends up damaged and I would have liked to keep it along with the deck. A lot of trouble went into creating that, too.

Please, creators, think on this and use a ribbon, even a bit of wool, instead of glue and stickers? (OMG THIS one even has a ribbon INSIDE the glued wrapper !)

Does anyone else feel the same, or do others just tear it all open and junk it ?


I always try to salvage the box in relatively pristine condition, even if I transfer the deck to another container. The only ones I don't keep are the large, floppy deck-and-kit boxes that are difficult to store. The main trouble I've had is with decks that seem to have been "shoe-horned" into the box for shipping and are virtually impossible to reinsert without damaging it in some way. Haven't encountered glued-shut boxes yet, just the clear plastic seals that can be slit open.


I also try and save the wrapping of self published decks, often they are little works of art in themselves. I feel your pain gregory.


Barley - I don't have issues with major publisher decks - they are almost always very easy - just slit the tape !, but as Alta says - the selfpublished ones have artwork wrappers and... :(

This was the Nielsen deck from Eleanor Boyce-Wilkinson. I am still in pain (even though the poor guy's name is spelt wrong on the wrapper... ;)) Moonboy is often a PIA this way (moonboy, are you listening ? Stop with the glue, OK ?)


I always try to keep the wrappings intact on self-published decks, limited edition decks, etc. -- and I share your feelings about glue and stickers, gregory.

Indeed, I can use a straight blade to slice open the wrapping, but it's so much better when a bit of yarn or string or ribbon is used to tie the wrapping shut.

I always keep the original wrapping; most often I'll try to carefully fold it flat and keep it in a bag alongside the deck.

I value all the ephemera that accompanies a deck :).


Wooden-eye used fabric and string. It works perfectly well, and you don't have to destroy it. :) It also holds up to use better than any form of paper-related packaging, I'm finding.