777 SPREAD???


Does anyone have experience with the 777 spread?
It sounds interesting but I am not sure how it works - basically you use the magician as significator and then have 3 rows of 7 cards each for past-present-future positions. Then there is a second step in which you pair card 1 with 21, card 2 with 20 and so on and read together. Card 11 and the significator are the final outcome. I am not so sure what the reading of pairs does or ultimately stands for (admittedly I am not at all comfortable with reading spreads involving two many cards and combinations). Presumably by doing pairs you end up with pairs for present-past and future interelationships. Does anyone have any insights about this particular spread or generally any pointers/references about reading spreads that involve numerous cards for each position?


I´m not familiar with this spread so I´m afraid I can´t help you there. I wonder if anyone knows? Where have you found it? (-no links please, just if you got it from a book or online.)

So, does it look something like this?
It is a large(ish) spread and it looks interesting but yes, it does need more details as to what the pairs mean.


past: 1***2***3***4***5***6***7
present: 8***9***10***11***12***13***14
future: 15***16***17***18***19***20***21

read pairs: 1-21, 2-20, 3-19 etc...finally read 11 and Significator together