What's your fave spread?


Mine is my ol' faithful, the Celtic Cross, it always gives me all the info I need :D
I add 5 cards to the top left hand corner, next to each other in a row.
What is everyone elses?
What variations to have on the Celtic Cross 10 card spread?


Past Present Future.

I use it for about 90% of my questions.

Aura Wolf

Both of those, actually, so far :D

Indigo Rose

Outlook spread...4 cards: simple, but to the point.


For me it's the Past Present Future spread as well. It's compact and most of the time tells me all I need to know. ;)


4 cards:




1 represents the issue, situation or question

2, 3, 4 provide information about it

Not too many cards to be confusing
Gives several angles on the situation
Not time oriented (which I find fairly useless or misleading).


Depends on the question...
If I'm at a critical juncture, needing to make a decision, I like the dilemma spread that I got off this thread (sorry, can't remember who posted it!).
For more general questions, I either use the bird power spread or the horseshoe spread.
Every month I do a Moontime spread.
But I also use other spreads depending on the question.


DeLani said:
Every month I do a Moontime spread.

What is this spread, I like the sound of it!!! :) XTAX


favorite spread?
gosh- I really don't have one.....don't think I ever did have one.
I have just used what was available to me{which, pre-AT was less than 10) I never really had one I was faithful to, I don't even have a spread I use regularly- especially since I started creating my own- {I have done 12 so far}
for the first 7 years of my tarot experience- I never knew of the CC......I had 3 spreads I used regularly- a PPF......and two from the book that came with the deck- one was 5 card "knife", the other 12 card "pyramid"- I liked those spreads well enough, but will the department of "Spreads" opened up to me-
I can't seem to pin on spread down as a fav... or even one I use most at this point!!

help me!


TemperanceAngel said:
What is this spread, I like the sound of it!!! :) XTAX
It's a spread I invented for women to use during their moontime. Here is the thread: http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?threadid=10244&highlight=moontime
P.S. In case you don't read the whole thread, here is my last comment on it:
After working with this spread a couple of months, I decided I don't like the shape of the layout. So I changed the layout - imagine it forming the triple moon shape: )O( with #7 in the middle of the full moon. I think this "fits" the spread better. The positions are still the same, just laid out in a different shape.
