A special spread needed.


What would be a good spread for a reading to figure out how someone feels about you and thinks about you. Someones emotions.


spread layout

Is it necessary to follow your lay out? Does the lay out effect the way the reading goes? thanks for sending me the readying. Also, how would you interpret the cards to determine feelings.


Generally, if the reader doesn't like the spread layout and/or doesn't do spread layouts, the reader is free to alter or completely dismiss the layout. In well-constructed spreads, the layout often helps to show/highlight interactions between related cards, which one might not see if one randomly laid the cards out or laid them out in a straight line.

Glass Owl

If you are interested in using a *nosey* spread, here is my modified version of SweetAsRoses's Mind Reader Spread at http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=102725


1. What do I need to know regarding x's last subconscious thought about me?
2. What do I need to know regarding x's last conscious thought about me?
3. What was X's last considered action because of these thoughts?

4. What do I need to know regarding x's last subconscious feelings towards me?
5. What I need to know regarding x's last conscious feelings towards me?
6. What was X's last considered action because of these feelings?

7. What is currently influencing x's relationship with me?
8. What direction is my relationship with x currently heading?
9. What should I do? (Advice)