Dream Enchantress


So, who has an opinion to share? I've had this deck in a drawer, unused, for a couple of years now & I'm wondering about other people's experiences.


What serendipity. I was just looking at images of the Dream Enchantress Tarot. I'm not going to buy it, because have no intentions to read in the near future. But I want it. LOL. I really love the 78-pretty-pictures-in-a box type tarot, in elegant water colours.

Dee Ell

I'm bumping this thread because I'm wondering about it too. I don't own it, but I'm searching for a readable deck that is still nice to look at... anyone? pros? cons?


I own it. The artwork is really beautiful. It does contain a lot of female nudity, but that doesn't bother me. Right now I'm finding it a little bit difficult to read with because there are a few cards that are very different than the RWS symbolism (and the LWB doesn't explain it much). For example the 7 of wands shows a domestic scene of a woman and child sitting outside of their house, the 7 of cups shows a water sprite holding two babies, and the 5 of pents shows two little human boys watching a fairy emerging from the stalk of a plant. So, I wouldn't recommend this deck to someone who wants one they can immediately pick up and read with. Hope this helps!


I love the Dream Enchantress; before it came out I had been using Nizzoli's Secret Tarot for years so I was already a fan of the art style. This is not a 1:1 Rider Waite clone, so you will need to do some creative thinking about the minors. Barbara Moore did a wonderful job with the LWB but was only given a day to work on it so just know that your intuitive understanding of the images will be quite valid as you plow through.

Dee Ell

I love the Dream Enchantress; before it came out I had been using Nizzoli's Secret Tarot for years so I was already a fan of the art style. This is not a 1:1 Rider Waite clone, so you will need to do some creative thinking about the minors. Barbara Moore did a wonderful job with the LWB but was only given a day to work on it so just know that your intuitive understanding of the images will be quite valid as you plow through.

I'd be very curious to know how you compare the Dream Enchantress with the Secret Tarot since you've had both (and they're both on my wishlist!) -- would you be able to list pros/cons vs each deck (((Shade)))?

(I also think it's crazy she was only given one day to write the LWB! I'm a newbie so maybe that's par for the course, but it seems crazy to me)