Tarot Resolutions for 2007


I hadn't made a resolution for the New Year.
I have some ideas rolling around, and a few goals that are sort of leftover from last year, but nothing firm where I said, "I resolve to........in 2007."

Well, QofCups posted a little something about her missing Queen of Pents and said that most of her resolutions are focused around the QofPents and it got me thinking about pulling a card for my resolution.

I just did.

Wheel of Change
Prince of Disks
So, some kind of work, doing it well, really really well. Seeing it thru to the end.
Also speaks to my relationship with my husband I think, because he works with his hands, and is a craftsman.
Talks about seasons too, timing. That projects have a start, a work phase and an ending. I sometimes hate the process and just want the endings! The finished piece. But there has to be a process, you can't keep pulling up the seedlings to see if they have grown! So, to love the work.

If this is about loving housework shoot me. Shoot me now!

Would anyone like to join me? I actually love this idea! Let Tarot lead us into the New Year with a Tarot Resolution!

Please post your pick and your ideas about what your resolution is.

Not sure if this is the place for this. We are using Tarot Cards, but we may end up giving each other ideas about meanings, so, this could go in a couple different places.


This is a wonderful idea, Elf!

Using my new Druidcraft, I pulled the King of Cups. This touches on something I've been thinking about lately, but I didn't think to make a resolution on it. So here it is:

For 2007, I hereby resolve to bring love to my interactions whenever possible, to love the people in my life with loyalty, respect, and openness, and to look into the future with confidence. I resolve to celebrate more often with those I love. I resolve to open my heart to new ways of loving, to be unafraid to love and be loved, knowing that my heart, through being broken and mended, is strong enough to bear whatever comes, and knowing that a full life, well lived, leaves its marks of joy and sorrow on every heart.


I love this idea and shuffled my Robin Wood deck and the card that literally jumped out (I didn't pick it) was the five of cups.

What I see here is what my other two readings that I've done for myself for the new year is trying to tell me.

I can choose to dwell on the past hurts and betrayals that have happened to me and ruin what good I have now or I can let it go and focus on the good that I have now.

In this card, the dark shrouded figure looks like it's mourning and it's facing three overturned cups. I am that figure, looking to the past and letting the past hurts and betrayals affecting the good relationship that I do have now. (the other two upright cups behind the figure.) I can continue to dwell and mourn or I can sit up, take notice of what I do have and move onward to better things.

It would be wise if I heeded these words of wisdom and let go and enjoy the moment of what I do have or I will lose it due to my own stupidity.

I like that. I think I will take control of this and move onward to better things!


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We are moving to the Your Readings forum as it has been decided that that is the best place for this thread.

Please take a seat, the bus will depart in a moment. ;)



I'm glad you guys are joining me on this little venture.
I'm itching to pick another card, but feel a little hesitant....hmm.


Great idea, elf!

Just pulledthe 8 of Pentacles from the DruidCraft.

Extremely fitting card, as my new year's resolution already was to become more creative, to create more. (Painting, writing, and collage being my main areas of interest.) This card basically says the exact same thing to me. Work on my art; work on expressing myself.

This card suggests to me that fulfilling my resolution will take work and actual elbow grease; I won't simply be able to fall into creativity. Also, it suggests there might be some false starts along the road, but that I should stick with it. Perhaps at the beginning I should focus on the act of creating than on the objects created.

Extremely fitting card for the new year! Reading everyone else's responses has also been interesting. It would be interesting to check back throughout the year to see how we're doing.


elf said:
I'm glad you guys are joining me on this little venture.
I'm itching to pick another card, but feel a little hesitant....hmm.

LOL!!! I know what you mean, I'd love to pull another card for insight into how to progress from the initial card and thought about doing a spread over that card to get more insight, but I'm hesitant as well....lol....:D One can never make too many resolutions...so who knows? I like the idea of having the deck tell you though, great post!