The World Reversed & The Wheel Of Fortune Reversed


My man and I just broke up. Naturally, I turn to tarot to help me through the healing process. I've done two spreads to examine my past relationship.

For the first spread I did I pulled The World reversed in the advice position. Interestingly enough, at first glance I thought I had pulled The Wheel of Fortune reversed. I use the Wild Unknown Tarot Deck, in which these two cards look very similar.

I did another spread. This time I really did pull The Wheel of Fortune Reversed in the advice position.

How would you interpret these two cards as advice after a relationship has ended?

Would you interpret it as there's a chance of getting back together since they're both about endings, but they're both reversed, meaning things have not yet really ended?

Or would you interpret it as I need to focus on myself?

I'm not sure.

Thanks for your help!

ana luisa

In a way, they are very complementary. To me, they seem to be saying that you should PROTECT your core. That there are very precious and valuable feelings inside of you that tend to be exposed, battered and disrespected when you go heads on into a relationship. It is asking you to remain honest to your beliefs because they are slowly getting hurt and damaged as others do not see them as valuable. And this may be going on for a while.
I have no idea if it makes sense but that's what I felt. Be strong :heart:

gypsy white bear

the world rx - for me is a false step, smth that leads you far far away from your completed happy ending
As advice, i think it want to warn you :be careful to not drowned in what hurts you, what is wrong, let what have to die dies and born the new one fitter

the wheel rx - you are going to the bottom, bad things and emotions will affect you
be strong and positive to make that period flowing as fast as possible, and youwill be on top once again.