Druid Animal Oracle Study Group-Seal


I couldn't get much of a feeling for this card from intuition apart from maybe the seal really belongs in the sea or on the low island in the distance, rather than on the beach of the mainland where it's somewhat out of its element and vulnerable. The rainbow over the sea perhaps suggests it's only paying a brief visit from a more magical realm.

The guidebook describes the song of the seals as calling to us from the world of dreams, the deep unconscious and the spirits of the animals, but we don't want to respond to this call out of fear of being destroyed by our uncontrollable feelings. This though condemns us to exile in the dry land of the intellect - allowing ourselves to listen to our feminine side will transform and heal our lives.

I couldn't find any seals in my other Druidical decks; beaches appeared in a couple of Tarot Wheel cards as the border area between sea and land or gateway to an otherworld, but the only card I could find with much similarity was the Mirror in the Wildwood Tarot. The aquatic woman in this helps a soul journey across water to an island where it can be healed, the message being that wisdom coming from surrendering to the pain of emotional wounds allows one to make that voyage to the magical place where they can see reflected in the mirror the true nature of their mind.


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