Bonefire Tarot Updates


Thanks Laura!
Now I am up off the floor, I find I am, (in all senses of the word), 'amazed'.
Amazed and stuck to the ceiling.


Excellent news :)
I LOVE the Bonefire. If a bigger deck comes out I'll be in the queue for it :)


Good news. That deck has remained a fav of mine ever since I got it.


I don't know why, but I am so tongue-tied about this news I can barely write it down...
I should be shouting from the roof-tops, but find I am moved, scared and nervous.
Here I go.....Bonefire is going to be published by Schiffer Books.
I always wanted Schiffer.
I have no details; all is too fresh, but there will be a deck and book.
The news has floored me.
Thank you.
That's great news - much better than a few others they have turned out - maybe they finally grasped the idea of QUALITY artwork !

I shall buy it, even though I have it !

Babalon Jones

Great news and congratulations! Happy to see your work recognized :thumbsup::)


Great news, well-desrved, and congratulations!!!!!


Congratulations! That is so awesome and so deserved!


Beautiful work!


Thank you Alta and Gregory, you know you both played a roles in getting the painting of Bonefire across the line.
Babalon, Freder and Quince. Us artists should stick together, I think we are all cut from similar, decorative cloths.
Passarelli and Caz , I am glad you like it!

The news has soaked in, yet still, I will not truly believe it 'til I have it in my hands.


That is amazing news! Congratulations, Wooden-Eye! :party: :love:

I really am so happy for you!