The Devil as something positive?


In the past year I have gotten the devil in a few positions that are supposed to be positive, and I am not certain how to read it.

The first time was in the Artist's Path (which I found on this site). I got it as my Artists card (significator); the card that represents me as an artist. For this position in the spread it says 'accept your creative powers and responsibilities, and your artists path will be clear'.

I also pulled this card in a 'coming love interest' spread as the strength of the relationship.

I am thinking maybe it's telling me to take more risks and live a little. Any other thoughts? When I pulled it for my artist card it really threw me off.


I'd say it means to not be afraid to commit to something. Risk taking, for me anyway, would be shown by the Fool, not the Devil. The Devil often shows being bound to something--whether or not this is a good thing depends on the context of the question.

For example, if someone was asking about a mortgage and the other cards were money cards, I would welcome the Devil because it means they made a concrete commitment to something. Devil is also ruled by Capricorn, so take that symbolism into account as well.

I'd worry if the Devil showed up with a lot of bad Swords or cards like the Tower, but that doesn't seem to be the case here.


Have you read any of Jung's writings on the "shadow self"? Or read up on archetypes? As an artist you must use the right hand side of the brain, linked with the unconscious and therefore what we repress, and these thoughts manifest as the shadow self, and/or we can project this onto other people. The devil is the personification of all that was rejected and despised and named evil by Christian society but in most people's art, writing or poetry at some point these repressed qualities, whatever they are for you, will arise and want to be integrated or addressed. It seems to be part of the creative process. Along with what Jung describes as "nigredo" this can be a stage in the development of the human soul. Depression as an experience for artists is not uncommon. This is in shamanic terms also a doorway to the soul and the beginning of new growth and at best inspiration. The unconscious is a huge source of emotional and creative energy and perhaps your art in particular will find its greatest source here. Dealing with the devil. But perhaps your art also is wound up with things you both desire and fear. There's a lot of potential here in how this can be interpreted. Perhaps your art makes you feel trapped in some way? That you "should" be an artist?