twins - opposites yet their chart is the same?


i now two little girls. they were born on may 5, 1998. one at 6:10 am and the other at 6:11 am

brianna is outgoing, vocal (LOL) and dramatic :)

rising 22 deg. taurus
sun 14 deg taurus
moon 8 deg virgo

cassie is introverted and an analytical thinker

rising 23 deg taurus
sun 14 deg taurus
moon 8 deg virgo

their rising and sun have no aspects. their moon aspects (i think) their pluto but that's all.

why are they soooo different? they have the same chart.


in light,


I'm sorry Jade, I don't know much about the technical details of Astrology but I can vouch for opposite twins.

I have a twin sister and we are SO SO SO different. We are Pisces and have always joked that we are one fish each; both swimming in different directions...


Hello Jade,

I wish I had a real intelligent answer to give, but I don't. I've wondered about this same thing over the years. When I taught astrology I had two sets of twins take my classes. One set, males, are identical in their demeanor, looks, lifestyle, profession, etc. They even married twins and all four of them live in the same house. They were born only a few minutes apart (Virgo's).

The other set (females) are so totally different in every way. One is an alcoholic, the other not. They have different occupations, lifestyles and beliefs. They too, were born only a few minutes apart (Gemini's).

A friend of mine has twin boys now almost 30 years old. They too are night and day. One is gay and one has had an addiction to drugs. They were born five minutes apart (Leo's).

The only explanation I can come up with is "free will" and I dislike that expession because it sounds like an astrologer "copout". Or perhaps even though two people have similar charts, their karma is very different. Astrologers still have a lot to learn in this area.

Does anybody else have an opinion on this? I seem to be the only person who answers the astrology questions and believe me, I don't know it all.



Here he comes, the wise guy... :D

I'm a student myself, and when I talk about it, people is constantly asking me this too: I have a twin sister, and we ARE like Sun and Moon. I am a Sun outward and a Moon inward. She's the opposite. As if I were male in the masculine part (thought, rule, competition, power...) and female in the feminine (caring, receptivity, passion, irrationality...), and she's the complete countrary. We are also two Gemini! The fun is quadruplicated - does it exist? well, it would mean increased fourfold... ;) !!!

Actually, I tend to bring it down to our different sex: after all, I'm a man and my Moon in Aries is MUCH different from hers. The same applies to Mars, Polarities in Sunsign + Ascendant and all that I can think of and won't write here (x space). Can we leave it at that, AquarianGoddess?

I'm sorry you feel SO LONELY in your unprecedented, boundless knowledge! ;p
I'd love to be able to spare you this, and even more to keep up with your astro-wisdom, believe me! :D


Maybe it's free will?? I expect that the bubs born in the same hospital as me at the same time would have A LOT of similarities, but then I take into consideration culture, religion, socio-economics, etc.

But for twins born... the only thing I can think of is FREE WILL. I have a mediocre grasp of astrology, but this is the best idea I can come up with! Also, I guess that twins sometimes "break out" of the mould of being a twin, which can lead to personalities growing in different ways/directions.

These are just my humle thought! :p



:D you have most certainly burst my bubble :D and your pedestal is crumbling as we speak LOL :eek: what do you mean you don't know it all??? :eek: :D

i'm sorry that we, as a group, put so much pressure on you. but, (now i may be wrong here) but the rest of the 'junior' astrologers are a little afraid to post their thoughts or knowledge thinking it is inferior to yours.

SO LISTEN UP MEMBERS!!! your thoughts and feelings are just as valuable as ag's. i don't know alot about astrology, but i do know a little bit. so let's start sharing and rather than thinking our input isn't "as valuable as" ..... cause you know what? is just a valuable!!! :)

in light,
cherishing everyone's input!!!

ps hopefully, that will take a bit of the pressure off ag :) ...... living on a pedestal sucks so let's not do that to her :D

pss said with love and light so please don't be offended by my loving reminder :)


oh and my answer to this question is..................




Identical twins are often mirror images of each other. When the cells split, the left side of one can be the right side of the other. It is really noticeable if there is a distinguishing feature such as an upsweeping eyebrow. The feature might be on the right side of one twin and the left side of the other twin. Perhaps this “mirror image” carries over to the natal chart as well. Maybe some of the twins out there would be willing to look at the mirror image of their natal chart and see if that fits better with one of the twins. This could be interesting. I don't know any twins so I'm depending on all of you to check this out. I'm really interested in hearing the results.


Wow, this thread looks like fun! I'm not an astrologer, never will be, only an astrology enthusiast--just want to clarify that.

With the twins Jade knows, I kind of wondered if the girls are doing side by side simultaneous expressions of their Sun and Moon energies. The "simultaneous" part is really cool--those of us who aren't twins could never express our Sun and Moon energies separately and distinctly.

There's been alot written on twins including the theory of the "introverted" and "extroverted" twin--perhaps this relates astrologically to Sun and Moon. What really fascinated me is that somehow, these tiny children have intuited which energy the other has chosen to express and instinctively completes the unity of twinship by displaying the other. Children like to tell us about themselves, and in this case, it sounds like one twin is saying, "This is who we are" and the other is saying, "Yes, that's true, but we're this, too."

With the Gemini sisters AG knows, who appear to be different as night and day, I wondered if that might have something to do with the duality of Gemini. The one sister has an addiction, so I also wondered if the sisters' charts had some sort of hard aspect to either Neptune, the 12 house, or the house ruled by Pisces in their charts. With the duality of Gemini it would be possible for one twin to express that energy one way, and the other to choose a completely different expression of the exact same aspect.

I've gotta tell ya--the one that really got me thinking was AG's example of the Leo twin brothers. At first I was hard pressed to figure out how two guys with the pride of the Lion, PLUS a sun that was ruled by the sun, would or even could co-rule the same domicile. I spent a lot of the afternoon thinking about it. What I came up with was the possibility that a proud Leo might not even entertain the thought there could be another "just like him", which could provide a sort of immunity from the kind of territorial stuff you'd normally expect. The other thing I wondered was if, maybe, immune from the threatening thought of a territorial rival, Leo might enjoy the visual of someone who was "seemingly" identical. He'd have an opportunity to watch himself at home, at play, sleeping, eating, you name it, without ever having to bother himself to go to the mirror. Leo might like that, so much that he'd want to keep his living mirror around all the time, which might be one reason why these guys live together so compatibly.

Then I got into thoughts of how they're both married, have families, etc., and how THAT would work compatibly. The possibilities are mind-boggling, and I'm sure a lot depends on the charts of the two wives, but I thought the guys might have a 4th house moon, possibly in Aquarius--even though it would be opposite their sun sign, an Aquarius moon would allow them to co-exist harmoniously, but detach whenever necessary to function as part of a separate family. It might also provide the innovative quality necessary to make such an unusual living arrangement work.

Like I said, that was fun--thanks, Jade, for a real mindbender ! : ))



Pollux, you mean there's two of your running around?

Jade, no pedestals here...I'm still a student of astrology. The topic is infinite and as much as I know there's an equal amount that I haven't yet learned. Please, I don't want anyone to ever feel apprehensive about posting their astrological opinions. The best thing about when I taught astrology is how much I learned from the students. Thank you all for your input and keep it coming.

Kalin, very interesting observations!