Pros and Cons Option Spreads


Pros and Cons Option Spreads

Two things coalesced [came/grew together] that inspired me to write the following spreads. Jeff asking about it on the ATT list/group and at the same time [me] reading McElroy's new book 'Absolute Beginners Guide to Tarot'.

Anyhoo .. here is the spread I originally created for a choice between two options. Very easy going for the most part.

Simple Option Spread

.. 3

1.) Option A
2.) Option B
3.) Advise

I decided to expand on this and came up with the Simple Pros and Cons Option Spread.

Simple Pros and Cons Option Spread

Option A - 1 . 2 . 3
Option B - 4 . 5 . 6

Option A [State Your Query/Option]
1.) Pros [Benefits, rewards, Why I should]
2.) Cons [Challenges, Obstacles, Why I shouldn't]
3.) Advise

Option B [State Your Query/Option]
4.) Pros [Benefits, rewards, Why I should]
5.) Cons [Challenges, Obstacles, Why I shouldn't]
6.) Advise

From here I went hog wild and came up with the In Depth Pros and Cons Spread.

In Depth Pros and Cons Spread

Option A
.... 1 ...... Pros
2 . 3 . 4 .. For
.... 5 ...... Cons
6 . 7 . 8 .. Against
.... 9 ...... Advise

Option A [State Your Query/Option]
1.) Pros
2.) Benefits
3.) Rewards
4.) Why I should

5.) Cons
6.) Challenges
7.) Obstacles
8.) Why I should NOT

9.) Advise

Option B is treated the same way. You could start numbering this at 10, 11, 12, and so on - up to card 18. But I recommend you do the two options separately, writing down your take on Option A, and then moving on to Option B. You might also consider reshuffling and cutting for Option B.

Option B
.... 1 ...... Pros
2 . 3 . 4 .. For
.... 5 ...... Cons
6 . 7 . 8 .. Against
.... 9 ...... Advise

Option B [State Your Query/Option]
1.) Pros
2.) Benefits
3.) Rewards
4.) Why I should

5.) Cons
6.) Challenges
7.) Obstacles
8.) Why I should NOT

9.) Advise

So in all - the In Depth Pros and Cons Option spread has 18 cards. Separately for each option you will only be dealing with 9 cards - which is a little more manageable. You can always expand the number of options.

Don S.


This spread was very useful in answering some questions, thanks

Brock Johnson

Although this is a very good spread, I have seen a countless number like these before. Not trying to discourage you or anything because especially your last one I'm going to use over my decision spread that I have right now. Good job with the design.



Very interesting spread, i'll try it out soon.
Many thanks,
Sophie xx


i was looking for a simple spread to get an advice for a possible travel and work change.
And i found your Simple Pros and Cons Option Spread!
I think it will help me with my decision.
Thank you nodntap, for sharing!!


This looks like it could be a useful little spread for me. I'll give it a go next time I have a dilemma. :)