Connolly: Seven of Cups


Another beautiful Connolly card, the first reading I experienced involved the Seven of Cups in the Celtic Cross future position. The reader suggested that I would be facing an emotional decision, that I would need to be be honest and clear about the emotional costs as I weighed the projected consequences. To add emphasis to the importance of this choice, the Nine of Swords was in the crowning position.

The very next day I unexpectedly faced one of the most significant decisions in my life. But with the image of this card in my mind, I was aware of the importance of this choice, that I had come to a critical decision point. Without the reading I might have otherwise just dismissed the opportunity without much thought. With the reading in my mind I believe I made the best decision possible. If I had needed any further confirmation of the usefulness of the Tarot, this certainly laid the case to rest.

A man in pink with a striped green cloak stops at a fork in the road and ponders what looks like a rhodadendron bush which have given flower to seven pink cups. Rhodadendrons have a great affinity for the water and high humidity that is implicit in the suit of cups and for this reason the west coast of Vancouver Island where I live is one of the best places in the world to grow them. Unlike some other versions of the Seven, each of these cups holds its contents hidden, so we know the choice is not going to be easy.

A placid lake lies beyond the bush, and on the far side is an evergreen forest, kindled pink by the dawn. If the seeker makes the best choice, there is the promise of some degree of emotional peace, growth and satisfaction. Perhaps the other path is more difficult, leads the wrong way entirely, or maybe it loops back on itself so that seeker faces the choices again. And sometimes it is not the choice itself that is the most important, but the freedom gained from making the decision.

Queen of Disks

I call this the Roadside Distraction Card. A man stands a looks a tree with the seven cups growing in it. Before him is a path that splits into two directions. The man can look at the tree all he wants, but sooner or later he have to make a decision which way he is going. The man can't just walk forward, because there is a lake behind the tree and he will then end up in the drink. This card makes me think of the Frost poem about taking the road less traveled and how it's made all of the difference.

crazy raven

When I looked at the card, my first thoughts were 'how methodical he is'. It's like he refuses to move until he understands/absorbs what each cup represents...he could be very good at memorizing and remembering, Or he's lost sight of which is which?

Another thought just came to he looking at the cause and effect of each cup and the influences they may create for himself and others? Do the cups represent 'All different points of view'?

Critical choices yes I can definitely see that. This person certainly looks like they want to make the right choice. Could this represent someone who feels stuck at the moment and with no purpose? Is this where where creative ideas and energies meet the rules and regulations of a narrow minded society? Is this person a dreamer?

He is so deeply entrenched on this tree...deep within his own inner there's a spiritual bond between him, the cups and the tree.

And he's alone, is that significant...? Is he caught in a battle of polarities,the continuous dance of ego and spirit. Is one of the challenges of this card suggesting to surrender to empty oneself bridge the gap with faith and trust?